TidycodeIT / nuxt3-magento-sdk-storefront

A boilerplate storefront build with the Vue Storefront Magento 2 Integration and Storefront UI
30 stars 4 forks source link
composable-commerce ecommerce-store headlessui magento nuxt3 open open-source-community opensource storefrontui vuejs vuestorefront


The Next Magento Storefront from Vue Storefront

A boilerplate storefront built with the Vue Storefront Magento 2 Integration and Storefront UI 2

🚧 This repo is under heavy development. Expect breaking changes regularly. Do not use for production 🚧

Getting Started

Cloning the repository

clone the project

git clone https://github.com/vuestorefront/nuxt3-magento-sdk-storefront.git

cd into the cloned folder

cd nuxt3-magento-sdk-storefront

Install dependencies

yarn install


Ensure you have a running magento instance.

Fire it up

run app

yarn dev


If you like to contribute please check out the contribution guide

See our project board for a nice overview of the progress

If you're looking for the magento2-sdk repo you can find it here: https://github.com/vuestorefront/nuxt3-magento-sdk-storefront

Useful Links

Discord invite link

Discord Channel for this project

Magento 2 SDK Docs

Storefront UI 2 Docs