TobiasF92 / FS22_interactiveControl

Interactive Control for Farming Simulator 22
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control farmingsimulator fs22 ic interactive lua

Interactive Control

'Interactive Control' is a global script mod for Farming Simulator 22. While this mod is active, you are able to use many other mods that support Interactive Control. With IC you have the possibility to interactively control many parts of several (prepared) vehicles. to use many other mods that support Interactive Control. With IC you have the possibility to interactively control many parts of several (prepared) vehicles.



'Interactive Control' provides different possibilities to interact with your vehicles. You can use click icons that appear when you turn on IC or when you are nearby. Another way for interactive handling is a key binding event. The controls are able to be used as switch or to force a state. All interactions are generally possible to use from the inside and the outside of a vehicle.

Using the controls you can steer different things:

Thanks goes to:

Wopster, JoPi, SirJoki80 & Flowsen (for the ui elements) and Face (for the initial idea)

& AgrarKadabra for many contributions!

VertexDezign & SchnibblModding for testing and providing demo mods!


The documentation is not finished yet, but should be sufficient for experienced users. If you are in need of some extra help, take a look into the demonstration mods:


Explained XML documentation HTML-file

        <!-- If needed, you can define different configurations -->
                <!-- The outdoor trigger is important, if you want to use IC from the outside of a vehicle -->
                <outdoorTrigger node="node"/>

                <!-- Add a new Interactive Control -->
                <interactiveControl negText="$l10n_actionIC_deactivate" posText="$l10n_actionIC_activate">
                    <!-- Add a clickPoint to toggle the event -->
                    <!-- Possible iconTypes: -->
                    <clickPoint alignToCamera="true" animMaxLimit="1" animMinLimit="0" animName="string" blinkSpeedScale="1" foldMaxLimit="1" foldMinLimit="0" forcedState="boolean" iconType="CROSS" invertX="false" invertZ="false" node="node" scaleOffset="float" size="0.04" type="UNKNOWN"/>

                    <!-- Add a button to toggle the event -->
                    <button animMaxLimit="1" animMinLimit="0" animName="string" foldMaxLimit="1" foldMinLimit="0" forcedState="boolean" input="string" range="5" refNode="node" type="UNKNOWN"/>

                    <!-- Animation to be played on IC event -->
                    <animation initTime="float" name="string" speedScale="float" />

                    <!-- Add a function to your control, don't forget to add a attacherJoint index (or indicies) if required! -->
                    <function name="string">
                        <attacherJoint index="integer" indicies="1 2 .. n"/>

                    <!-- This control should not be functional all the time? Add a configuration restriction -->
                        <restriction indicies="1 2 .. n" name="string"/>

                    <!-- You want to use some extra dashboards for your control? -->
                    <!-- There are three new valueTypes: ic_state (BOOLEAN) | ic_stateValue (FLOAT 0-1) | ic_action (in combination with 'raiseTime', 'activeTime', 'onICActivate', 'onICDeactivate')-->
                    <dashboard activeTime="1" animName="string" baseColor="string" displayType="string" doInterpolation="false" emissiveScale="0.2" emitColor="string"font="DIGIT" fontThickness="1" groups="string" hasNormalMap="false" hiddenColor="string" idleValue="0" intensity="1" interpolationSpeed="0.005" maxRot="string" maxValueAnim="float" maxValueRot="float" maxValueSlider="float" minRot="string" minValueAnim="float" minValueRot="float" minValueSlider="float" node="node" numberColor="string" numbers="node" onICActivate="true" onICDeactivate="true" precision="1" raiseTime="1" rotAxis="float" textAlignment="RIGHT" textColor="string" textMask="00.0" textScaleX="1" textScaleY="1" textSize="0.03" valueType="string">
                        <state rotation="x y z" scale="x y z" translation="x y z" value="1 2 .. n" visibility="boolean"/>

                    <!-- You can change the active state of dashboards here.-->
                    <!-- Keep in mind to set an value inactive in most entries, not all dashboards are working with the active state -->
                    <!-- Keep in mind that only vanilla dashboard types are supported! -->
                    <dependingDashboards animName="string" dashboardActive="true" dashboardInactive="true" dashboardValueActive="float" dashboardValueInactive="float" node="node" numbers="node"/>

                    <!-- You can block unused moving parts here -->
                    <dependingMovingPart isInactive="true" node="node"/>

                    <!-- You can block unused moving tools here -->
                    <dependingMovingTool isInactive="true" node="node"/>

                    <!-- You can block depending interactive controls here -->
                    <!-- blockState: Control state to block depending control -->
                    <!-- forcedBlockedState: Forced state of depending control if blocked -->
                    <dependingInteractiveControl index="int" blockState="boolean" forcedBlockedState="boolean"/>

                    <!-- Modify sound here, 'indoorFactor' is the sound percentage factor if control is active -->
                    <!-- Set 'delayedSoundAnimationTime' if the sound should be changed on specific animation time (first animation or 'name') -->
                    <soundModifier indoorFactor="float" delayedSoundAnimationTime="float" name="string"/>

                    <objectChange centerOfMassActive="x y z" centerOfMassInactive="x y z" compoundChildActive="boolean" compoundChildInactive="boolean" interpolation="false" interpolationTime="1" massActive="float" massInactive="float" node="node" parentNodeActive="node" parentNodeInactive="node" rigidBodyTypeActive="string" rigidBodyTypeInactive="string" rotationActive="x y z" rotationInactive="x y z" scaleActive="x y z" scaleInactive="x y z" shaderParameter="string" shaderParameterActive="x y z w" shaderParameterInactive="x y z w" sharedShaderParameter="false" translationActive="x y z" translationInactive="x y z" visibilityActive="boolean" visibilityInactive="boolean"/>

            <objectChange centerOfMassActive="x y z" centerOfMassInactive="x y z" compoundChildActive="boolean" compoundChildInactive="boolean" interpolation="false" interpolationTime="1" massActive="float" massInactive="float" node="node" parentNodeActive="node" parentNodeInactive="node" rigidBodyTypeActive="string" rigidBodyTypeInactive="string" rotationActive="x y z" rotationInactive="x y z" scaleActive="x y z" scaleInactive="x y z" shaderParameter="string" shaderParameterActive="x y z w" shaderParameterInactive="x y z w" sharedShaderParameter="false" translationActive="x y z" translationInactive="x y z" visibilityActive="boolean" visibilityInactive="boolean"/>

    <!-- If you want to use your own click icon, you easily can register it here -->
        <clickIcon blinkSpeed="float" filename="string" name="string" node="string"/>


Function Description Requirements
MOTOR_START_STOPP Toggle vehicle motor start and stop
LIGHTS_TOGGLE Toggle lights on and off
LIGHTS_WORKBACK_TOGGLE Toggle worklights back on and off
LIGHTS_WORKFRONT_TOGGLE Toggle worklights front on and off
LIGHTS_HIGHBEAM_TOGGLE Toggle highbeamlights on and off
LIGHTS_TURNLIGHT_HAZARD_TOGGLE Toggle hazard lights on and off
LIGHTS_TURNLIGHT_LEFT_TOGGLE Toggle turnlight left on and off
LIGHTS_TURNLIGHT_RIGHT_TOGGLE Toggle turnlight right on and off
LIGHTS_BEACON_TOGGLE Toggle beaconlight on and off
LIGHTS_PIPE_TOGGLE1 Toggle pipelight on and off
CRUISE_CONTROL_TOGGLE Toggle cruise control on and off
DRIVE_DIRECTION_TOGGLE Toggle vehicle drive direction
COVER_TOGGLE Toggle cover state
ATTACHERJOINT_LIFT_LOWER Lift/lower implement on attacherJoint index or first selected one if more indicies ".attacherJoint#index" or ".attacherJoint#indicies"
ATTACHERJOINT_TURN_ON_OFF Turn on/off implement on attacherJoint index or first selected one if more indicies ".attacherJoint#index"
TURN_ON_OFF Turn on/off vehicle
ATTACHERJOINT_FOLDING_TOGGLE Fold/unfold implement on attacherJoint index or first selected one if more indicies ".attacherJoint#index"
PIPE_FOLDING_TOGGLE1 Fold/unfold pipe
FOLDING_TOGGLE Fold/unfold vehicle
ATTACHERJOINTS_TOGGLE_DISCHARGE Toggle discharging on selected attacherJoint if in 'indices' ".attacherJoint#index" or ".attacherJoint#indicies"
DISCHARGE_TOGGLE Toggle discharging on vehicle
CRABSTEERING_TOGGLE Toggle crab steering mode to next mode
RADIO_TOGGLE Toggle radio on/off
RADIO_CHANNEL_NEXT1 Next radio channel
RADIO_CHANNEL_PREVIOUS1 Previous radio channel
RADIO_ITEM_NEXT1 Next radio item
RADIO_ITEM_PREVIOUS1 Previous radio item
ATTACHERJOINTS_VARIABLE_WORK_WIDTH_LEFT_INCREASE1 Increase work width left on selected attacherJoint if in 'indices' ".attacherJoint#index" or ".attacherJoint#indicies"
ATTACHERJOINTS_VARIABLE_WORK_WIDTH_LEFT_DECREASE1 Decrease work width left on selected attacherJoint if in 'indices' ".attacherJoint#index" or ".attacherJoint#indicies"
ATTACHERJOINTS_VARIABLE_WORK_WIDTH_RIGHT_INCREASE1 Increase work width right on selected attacherJoint if in 'indices' ".attacherJoint#index" or ".attacherJoint#indicies"
ATTACHERJOINTS_VARIABLE_WORK_WIDTH_RIGHT_DECREASE1 Decrease work width right on selected attacherJoint if in 'indices' ".attacherJoint#index" or ".attacherJoint#indicies"
ATTACHERJOINTS_VARIABLE_WORK_WIDTH_TOGGLE1 Toggle work width on selected attacherJoint if in 'indices' ".attacherJoint#index" or ".attacherJoint#indicies"
ATTACHERJOINTS_ATTACH_DETACH1 Attach or detach vehicle on attacherJoint if in 'indices' ".attacherJoint#index" or ".attacherJoint#indicies"
REVERSEDRIVING_TOGGLE2 Toggle vehicle reverse driving

External Mods: GPS_TOGGLE | Toggle GuidanceSteering on and off GPS_TOGGLE_ACTIVE2 | Toggle GuidanceSteering active mode | PF_CROP_SENSOR_TOGGLE1 | Toggle PrecisionFarming crop sensor mode | PF_ATTACHERJOINTS_CROP_SENSOR_TOGGLE1 | Toggle PrecisionFarming crop sensor mode on selected attacherJoint if in 'indices' | ".attacherJoint#index" or ".attacherJoint#indicies" PF_SEED_RATE_MODE1 | Toggle PrecisionFarming seed rate mode | PF_ATTACHERJOINTS_SEED_RATE_MODE1 | Toggle PrecisionFarming seed rate mode on selected attacherJoint if in 'indices' | ".attacherJoint#index" or ".attacherJoint#indicies" PF_SEED_RATE_UP1 | Increase PrecisionFarming manual seed rate | PF_SEED_RATE_DOWN1 | Decrease PrecisionFarming manual seed rate | PF_ATTACHERJOINTS_SEED_RATE_UP1 | Increase PrecisionFarming manual seed rate on selected attacherJoint if in 'indices' | ".attacherJoint#index" or ".attacherJoint#indicies" PF_ATTACHERJOINTS_SEED_RATE_DOWN1 | Decrease PrecisionFarming manual seed rate on selected attacherJoint if in 'indices' | ".attacherJoint#index" or ".attacherJoint#indicies" PF_SPRAY_AMOUNT_MODE1 | Toggle PrecisionFarming spray amount mode | PF_ATTACHERJOINTS_SPRAY_AMOUNT_MODE | Toggle PrecisionFarming spray amount mode on selected attacherJoint if in 'indices' | ".attacherJoint#index" or ".attacherJoint#indicies" PF_SPRAY_AMOUNT_UP1 | Increase PrecisionFarming manual spray amount | PF_SPRAY_AMOUNT_DOWN1 | Decrease PrecisionFarming manual spray amount | PF_ATTACHERJOINTS_SPRAY_AMOUNT_UP1 | Increase PrecisionFarming manual spray amount on selected attacherJoint if in 'indices' | ".attacherJoint#index" or ".attacherJoint#indicies" PF_ATTACHERJOINTS_SPRAY_AMOUNT_DOWN1 | Decrease PrecisionFarming manual spray amount on selected attacherJoint if in 'indices' | ".attacherJoint#index" or ".attacherJoint#indicies" VCA_TOGGLE_AWD1 | Toggle VehicleControlAddon all wheel drive mode on and off | VCA_TOGGLE_DIFFLOCK_FRONT1 | Toggle VehicleControlAddon front differential lock on and off | VCA_TOGGLE_DIFFLOCK_BACK1 | Toggle VehicleControlAddon back differential lock on and off | VCA_TOGGLE_PARKINGBRAKE1 | Toggle VehicleControlAddon parking brake on and off | HEADLAND_MANAGEMENT_TOGGLE1 | Toggle HeadlandManagement on and off | MS_TOGGLE_PUMP2 | Toggle ManureSystem pump on and off | MS_TOGGLE_PUMP_DIRECTION2 | Toggle ManureSystem pump direction |

1Since version 2Since version


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