UBC-MDS / imageprocessor

DSCI 524: Collaborative Software Development
MIT License
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flipping greyscale image-processing padding python-ecosystem rotate-image


codecov Release Documentation Status Deploy build


Images form a significant part of the data in today's world. Whether you want to enhance your poorly-lit profile picture or analyze satellite images, filters are your best friends. In scientific image processing, at most times, the images cannot be used directly and need to be processed to extract information from them. ImageProcessor aims to make the image processing task easy and intuitive. With ImageProcessor, users can rotate the image, convert it to greyscale, flip it horizontally in black and white, and add padding to it (frame).

Python ecosystem

Our package fits in the Python ecosystem. There are plenty of packages with image and idvanced image proccessing functionalities. One of the most comprehensive image processing library in Python is scikit-image. We're looking to simply some of the images proccessing features. Moreover, we're planning to add some of the image processing functions from DSCI 511, lab3 and DSCI 572 into the package for use by MDS instructors in the future.



$ pip install -i https://test.pypi.org/simple/imageprocessor



from imageprocessor.flipping import flipping

from imageprocessor.greyscale import greyscale

from imageprocessor.padding import padding

from imageprocessor.rotate import rotate

  1. flipping(input_path, output_path)


  1. greyscale(input_path, output_path)


  1. padding(input_path, width, output_path)


  1. rotate(input_path, degrees, output_path)



The official documentation is hosted on Read the Docs: https://imageprocessor.readthedocs.io/en/latest/


We welcome all contributions to this project! If you notice a bug, or have a feature request, please open up an issue here. If you'd like to contribute a feature or bug fix, you can fork our repo and submit a pull request. We will review pull requests within 7 days. All contributors must abide by our code of conduct.


This package was created with Cookiecutter and the UBC-MDS/cookiecutter-ubc-mds project template, modified from the pyOpenSci/cookiecutter-pyopensci project template and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage.