UKM-Programming-UMDP / procom-kas-fe-admin

Frontend Desktop Aplication for Kas Management - Admin side
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electron muiv5 react tailwindcss typescript vite

Procom Kas Frontend for Admin


Development Setup

Clone This Project


npm install

Auto Formatter

Environment variables


Create a new branch

To solve an issue from Backlog, always create a new branch to the related repository. The format is {type}/{your-issue}. Example: feature/add-middleware, fix/cannot-create-user.

Note: Always create a branch from development branch.

Commit changes

Commit at the smallest meaningful changes possible. Give clear and concise commit message:

  1. What has been created/modified
  2. What will be affected

This will help you and other team member to debug later when there’s a failure. Example commit message:

add: balance history page

edit: get user history

fix: cannot display user list

Run on your local

After making modifications, make sure you can run it on your local. Pay attention to warnings and errors and fix that before continue to next step.

npm run dev

Note: To access developer menu (such as F12 on browser) to see like Console, Network Activity, etc. You also can press F12 after run dev the app. But you can't do it after build the app.

Build App Test

To make sure the app is running smoothly as a builded software, you need to build it first by run:

npm run build:win

And then test is by run:

npm run start

This is how you final test your app, not from npm run dev. You also can install your app locally from dist/app-name-setup.exe after build. This is similar to npm run start but the difference is, you can open this app without running the entire project code.

Push to your branch

Push your working modification to your own branch.

Make a Pull Request

Give clear PR title message to each branch, let the other developer know what you’re trying to merge. Example PR title:

Feature/Balance Page

Fix/Cannot display list of user

Main Branches


