UT-LCA / ML4Accel-Dataset

Dataset for ML-guided Accelerator Design
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Data Set for ML-Guided Accelerator Design

Chip design times have been high typically taking over 3 years from architecture to implementation to deployment, and it is extremely hard to keep up with the need for new domain specific chips specifically machine learning (ML) accelerators. To reduce this gap, ML itself is being used to improve and expedite the chip design process. ML based methods here replace previously used analytical, simulation based or manual methods, leading to improvement in speed or accuracy. ML based methods, however, need extensive datasets to train models to produce acceptable results.

Some examples of works that have used ML in chip design processes are:

This GitHub repo is a well-curated open-source dataset for ML-guided chip design that is being developed at UT Austin. Ths dataset can be easily used by researchers working with training models for chip design.

Contents of the dataset

At the top-level this dataset contains two types of data:

Depending on what a user needs, they can use the data from either or both flows.

There is data for two types of sources in the dataset:

For each source, some examples of features contained in the dataset:

For each source, some examples of metrics contained in the dataset:

We include information for:

We include information for:

How to Use?

See the README for the data for each flow (FPGA or ASIC) in the corresponding directories.

How to Cite?

Coming soon


Zhigang Wei: zw5259@utexas.edu
Aman Arora: aman.kbm@utexas.edu


[1] A. Mirhoseini, A. Goldie, M. Yazgan, J. W. Jiang, E. Songhori, S. Wang, Y.J. Lee, E. Johnson, O. Pathak, A. Nazi, J. Pak, A. Tong, K. Srinivasa, W. Hang, E. Tuncer, Q. V. Le, J. Laudon, R. Ho, R. Carpenter, J. Dean, “A graph placement methodology for fast chip design”, NATURE’21

[2] Kenneth O'Neal, Mitch Liu, Hans Tang, Amin Kalantar, Kennen DeRenard, Philip Brisk, “HLSPredict: Cross Platform Performance Prediction for FPGA High-Level Synthesis”, ICCAD’18

[3] Zhe Lin, Zike Yuan, Jieru Zhao, Wei Zhang, Hui Wang, Yonghong Tian, “PowerGear: Early-Stage Power Estimation in FPGA HLS via Heterogeneous Edge-Centric GNNs”, DATE’22

[4] W. Lee, Y. Kim, J.H. Ryoo, D. Sunwoo, A. Gerstlauer, L. K. John, “PowerTrain: A Learning-based Calibration of McPAT Power Model”, ISLPED’15

[5] Hosein Mohammadi Makrani, Farnoud Farahmand, Hossein Sayadi, Sara Bondi, Sai Manoj Pudukotai Dinakarrao, Houman Homayoun, Setareh Rafatirad, “Pyramid: Machine Learning Framework to Estimate the Optimal Timing and Resource Usage of a High-Level Synthesis Design”, FPL’19

[6] Ajay Krishna Ananda Kumar, Sami Alsalamin, Hussam Amrouch, Andreas Gerstlauer, “Machine Learning-Based Microarchitecture- Level Power Modeling of CPUs”, IEEE Transactions on Computer (TC)’22

[7] Xinnian Zheng, Lizy K. John, Andreas Gerstlauer, “Accurate Phase-Level Cross-Platform Power and Performance Estimation”, DAC’16

[8] Xinnian Zheng, Haris Vikalo, Shuang Song, Lizy K. John, Andreas Gerstlauer, “Sampling-Based Binary-Level Cross-Platform Performance Estimation”, DATE’17

[9] Mingjie Liu, Keren Zhu, Jiaqi Gu, Linxiao Shen, Xiyuan Tang, Nan Sun, David Z. Pan, “Towards Decrypting the Art of Analog Layout: Placement Quality Prediction via Transfer Learning”, DATE’20