Some code for flexible ligand / rigid protein calculations.
Warning: this code is prototypical in nature. Maybe, part of it will be released as a proper standalone library in the long-term (the Mol and Mol2 modules plus their dependencies).
The dataset that was produced using this software can be downloaded from:
Tested on Ubuntu Linux 24.04 w/ ocaml-4.14.1.
On Linux or a UNIX-like:
mkdir -p ~/src
cd src
git clone
cd MMO
sudo apt install opam
opam init
eval `opam env --shell=bash`
opam pin add mmo .
This requires mayachemtools and psi4 to be installed.
~/src/MMO/bin/ ligand.sdf
This requires the Python package torchani to be installed:
~/src/MMO/bin/ ligand.mol2
If you have compiled the software and you have torchani installed, you can run:
./lds -f --no-interp --ligand-only --intra-QM -lig docked_ligand.mol2 \
-rec prot_rec.pqrs -roi prot_ROI.bild -steps 10k --ene 50 --no-compress --out-dir MC10kQM