Unturned-Official-Discord / U3-Support-Knowledgebase

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
2 stars 1 forks source link
documentation-site knowledgebase support

Unturned Support KnowledgeBase

The purpose of this repository is to guide self sufficient users and support staff in resolving issues with known and generally effective solutions. Created by supporters and staff of the Unturned Official Discord

Discord Banner 2

Basic Troubleshooting

Frequent issues

Advanced Configurations



Thanks to Creative Commons Markdown for the nicely formated license file.

dgibbs64/discord-banners for explanations on how to create the nice server embeds featured above.

![Good First Issues](<https://img.shields.io/github/issues/Unturned-Official-Discord/U3-Support-Knowledgebase/good first issue?color=8a38d1&label=Good%20first%20Issues>)