Vladkryvoruchko / PSPNet-Keras-tensorflow

TensorFlow implementation of original paper : https://github.com/hszhao/PSPNet
MIT License
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keras parsing pyramid scene tensorflow

Keras implementation of PSPNet(caffe)

Implemented Architecture of Pyramid Scene Parsing Network in Keras.

For the best compability please use Python3.5


  1. Install dependencies:
    • Tensorflow (-gpu)
    • Keras
    • numpy
    • scipy
    • pycaffe(PSPNet)(optional for converting the weights)
      pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade
  2. Converted trained weights are needed to run the network. Weights(in .h5 .json format) have to be downloaded and placed into directory weights/keras

Already converted weights can be downloaded here:

Convert weights by yourself(optional)

(Note: this is not required if you use .h5/.json weights)

Running this needs the compiled original PSPNet caffe code and pycaffe.

python weight_converter.py <path to .prototxt> <path to .caffemodel>


python pspnet.py -m <model> -i <input_image>  -o <output_path>
python pspnet.py -m pspnet101_cityscapes -i example_images/cityscapes.png -o example_results/cityscapes.jpg
python pspnet.py -m pspnet101_voc2012 -i example_images/pascal_voc.jpg -o example_results/pascal_voc.jpg

List of arguments:

 -m --model        - which model to use: 'pspnet50_ade20k', 'pspnet101_cityscapes', 'pspnet101_voc2012'
    --id           - (int) GPU Device id. Default 0
 -s --sliding      - Use sliding window
 -f --flip         - Additional prediction of flipped image
 -ms --multi_scale - Predict on multiscale images

Keras results:

Original New New New

Original New New New

Original New New New

Implementation details