GoMud is an in-development open source MUD (Multi-user Dungeon) game world and library.
It ships with a default world to play in, but can be overwritten or modified to build your own world using built-in tools.
If you have comments, questions, suggestions:
Github Discussions - Don't be shy. Your questions or requests might help others too.
Discord Server - Get more interactive help in the GoMud Discord server.
See some feature screnshots here.
Colorization is handled through extensive use of my github.com/Volte6/ansitags library.
Can be run locally as a standard go program or via docker container. The default port is 33333
, but can be run on multiple ports.
Information on scripting in GoMud can be found in the scripting README.
A youtube playlist to getting started has been set up here:
You can compile and run it locally with:
go run .
Or you can just build the binary if you prefer:
go build -o GoMudServer
Or if you have docker installed:
docker-compose -f provisioning/docker-compose.yml up --build --remove-orphans server
TELNET : connect to localhost
on port 33333
with a telnet client
WEB CLIENT: http://localhost/client
Default Username: admin
Default Password: password
When running several environment variables can be set to alter behaviors of the mud:
Want to run GoMud on a raspberry pi? No problem! I do it all the time! It runs great on a $15 Raspberry Pi Zero 2. However, in my experience the raspberry pi struggles to compile the binary directly, so it is recommended that you compile the binary locally and then copy it over to the raspberry pi.
There is a convenient make
command to compile the pi chipset provided:
make build_rpi
( this will output a binary named: go-mud-server-rpi
Or (window user?) just use the build comand directly:
env GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm GOARM=5 go build -o go-mud-server-rpi
Why not?
Go provides a lot of terrific benefits such as: