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[ICLR 2024] FreeReg: Image-to-Point Cloud Registration Leveraging Pretrained Diffusion Models and Monocular Depth Estimators
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cross-modality-feature-extraction diffusion-feature diffusion-model diffusion-models image-to-point-cloud-registration paper

FreeReg: Image-to-Point Cloud Registration Leveraging Pretrained Diffusion Models and Monocular Depth Estimators

This is the official PyTorch implementation of the following publication:

FreeReg: Image-to-Point Cloud Registration Leveraging Pretrained Diffusion Models and Monocular Depth Estimators
Haiping Wang, Yuan Liu, Bing Wang, Yujing Sun, Zhen Dong, Wenping Wang, Bisheng Yang
ICLR 2024
Paper | Project-page | Video

πŸ”­ Introduction

TL;DR: FreeReg extracts cross-modality features from pretrained diffusion models and monocular depth estimators for accurate zero-shot image-to-point cloud registration.


Abstract: Matching cross-modality features between images and point clouds is a fundamental problem for image-to-point cloud registration. However, due to the modality difference between images and points, it is difficult to learn robust and discriminative cross-modality features by existing metric learning methods for feature matching. Instead of applying metric learning on cross-modality data, we propose to unify the modality between images and point clouds by pretrained large-scale models first, and then establish robust correspondence within the same modality. We show that the intermediate features, called diffusion features, extracted by depth-to-image diffusion models are semantically consistent between images and point clouds, which enables the building of coarse but robust cross-modality correspondences. We further extract geometric features on depth maps produced by the monocular depth estimator. By matching such geometric features, we significantly improve the accuracy of the coarse correspondences produced by diffusion features. Extensive experiments demonstrate that without any task-specific training, direct utilization of both features produces accurate image-to-point cloud registration. On three public indoor and outdoor benchmarks, the proposed method averagely achieves a 20.6 percent improvement in Inlier Ratio, a three-fold higher Inlier Number, and a 48.6 percent improvement in Registration Recall than existing state-of-the-arts.

πŸ†• News

πŸ’» Requirements

The code has been tested on:

πŸ”§ Installation

πŸš… Pretrained model

FreeReg does not need any training but utilizes pretrained models of existing projects:

πŸ”¦ Demo

You can try FreeReg with the following command:

python demo.py

Then, you should obtain a demo.png that looks like:


πŸ’Ύ Dataset

The datasets are accessible in [Baidu-Disk](code:35h9) and Google Cloud:

Please place the data to ./data.

✏️ Test

To eval FreeReg on three benchmarks, you can use the following commands:

python run.py --dataset 3dmatch --type dg
python run.py --dataset scannet --type dg
python run.py --dataset kitti --type dg

you can replace --type dg that uses fused features and Kabsch solver with --type d for only using diffusion features and pnp solver or --type g for only using geometric features and Kabsch solver.

πŸ’‘ Citation

If you find this repo helpful, please give us a 😍 star 😍. Please consider citing FreeReg if this program benefits your project

  title={FreeReg: Image-to-Point Cloud Registration Leveraging Pretrained Diffusion Models and Monocular Depth Estimators},
  author={Haiping Wang and Yuan Liu and Bing Wang and Yujing Sun and Zhen Dong and Wenping Wang and Bisheng Yang},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.03420},

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