WarmongeringBeaver / PhenDiff

Train and fine-tune diffusion models. Perform image-to-image class transfer experiments.
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accelerate bioinformatics diffusers diffusion-models huggingface image-to-image-translation low-data-regime pytorch wandb

PhenDiff: Revealing Subtle Phenotypes with Diffusion Models in Real Images


This repository contains the code needed both

  1. to train (or fine-tune) diffusion models
  2. to perform image-to-image class translation with pretrained models

⬇️ Install

⚙️ Dependencies

To install the required dependencies, run:

mamba install -f environment.yaml


conda env create -f environment.yml

📊 Experiment tracker

The only supported experiment tracker for now is wandb. You will need a configured Weights & Biases environement to log information for both kind of experiments.

📉 Train models

Training or fine-tuning diffusion models is in principle performed by running the following command:

accelerate launch {accelerate args} train.py {script args}


🐥 Example training commands

Local examples

Some examples of commands launching a training experience can be found in the examples/examples_training_scripts folder.
They consist in bash/zsh scripts handling the configuration of both accelerate and the training script train.py. They can be called directly from the command line.

Two examples:

Configure these examples launchers to your neeeds!

[!NOTE] Future version will probably use Hydra to handle the training configuration.

SLURM examples

The SLURM_launch_script_<xxx>.sh files demonstrate how to adapt these bash scripts to a SLURM cluster.

They are meant to launch a series of runs at different sizes of training data on the A100 partition of the Jean Zay CNRS cluster. They load a custom python environement located at ${SCRATCH}/micromamba/envs/diffusion-experiments with micromamba; adapt to your needs!

🎨 Image-to-image class transfer

Image-to-image class transfer experiments are performed with the img2img_comparison_launcher.py script, which additionally handles the configuration of accelerate and possibly submits the jobs to the SLURM manager. It can be called as:

python img2img_comparison_launcher.py {hydra overrides} &


The image-to-image class transfer experiments are configured with Hydra. Example configuration files can be found in the examples/example_img2img_comparison_conf folder.

The img2img_comparison_launcher.py script expects a configuration folder named my_img2img_comparison_conf to be located in the directory where it is called, and a file named general_config.yaml inside this configuration folder.
These defaults can be overriden with the --config-path and --config-name Hydra arguments.

[!NOTE] To prevent the experiment config being modified between the job submission and the job launch (which can typically take quite some time when submitting to SLURM), the entire config is copied to the experiment folder and the submitted job will pull its config from there.

Hyperparameters sweep



All experiments (either training or class transfer) output artifacts following the project/run organization of wandb:

- exp_parent_folder
|   - project
|   |   - run_name

where exp_parent_folder is any base path on the system, and project and run_name are both the names of the folder created by the scripts on the system and the project and run names on wandb (1-on-1 correspondence).
When Hydra is used, an additional timestamped sub-folder hierarchy is also created under the run_name folder:

- run_name
|   - day
|   |   - hour

This is especially important when doing sweeps, so that runs with the same name but with different hyperparameters do not overwrite each other.