Xilinx-CNS / solarcapture

SolarCapture network packet capture suite
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solarcapture solarflare

SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT X-SPDX-Copyright-Text: Copyright (C) 2022, Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.


SolarCapture is a set of tools for capturing, timestamping, processing and injecting network traffic. SolarCapture is able to capture packets received from the network at very high rates, apply filtering in hardware and software, perform custom processing, and write packets to disk in PCAP format.

SolarCapture includes APIs for customisation and for embedding into applications, and a flexible framework for putting together applications from pluggable processing components.

This README file includes a brief summary of SolarCapture features. Please see the SolarCapture User Guide for more details.

SolarCapture uses the kernel-bypass features of Solarflare network adapters to achieve very high levels of capture and injection performance.

SolarCapture assigns highly accurate timestamps to captured packets. When used with Solarflare's PTP-enabled adapters the capture timestamps are synchronised across the network. On Flareon adapters timestamps can be taken in hardware by the adapter clock, giving very precise timestamps.

SolarCapture consists of the following components:



Build using "make" from the src directory. Note that some warnings are expected, from libpcap, since SolarCapture is using an older version which predates many of these compiler checks.

You can then run solar_capture directly. Optionally build html documentation with "make docs" Optionally build and run self-test with "make run" You can then package up the libraries, examples, binaries and front end via "make tarball". This will result in a file: build_products/solar_capture-.tgz (With appropriate version string)

This package will look much like a Linux filesystem (/usr/lib etc.) but contains just the SolarCapture files. Before you continue - double check that this layout matches the expectations of your Linux distribution. (e.g. use of /lib and /lib64) It might not. If not, you will need to manually move files to the correct places.

If it is a match, then it can be untarred to add it to an existing Linux install via: sudo tar -C / tar xzf build_products/solar_capture-*.tgz

Command line usage

SolarCapture can be invoked from the command line. By default it captures all traffic on an interface, which requires root privileges. For example, to capture all traffic arriving on interface eth2 and eth3:

$ solar_capture eth2=./eth2.pcap eth3=./eth3.pcap

To write timestamps with nanosecond resolution instead of the default microseconds:

$ solar_capture format=pcap-ns eth2=./eth2.pcap

Note that the nano-second PCAP format is understood by a number of tools including wireshark, but not by tcpdump.

There are a number of tunables and options for managing what streams of packets are captured. For details run:

$ solar_capture help

To use the libpcap bindings, prefix your command line with solar_libpcap as follows:

$ solar_libpcap tcpdump -i eth2


The internal state of a SolarCapture process can be monitored using the solar_capture_monitor tool.

To get a list of running SolarCapture processes:

$ solar_capture_monitor

To monitor the state of a SolarCapture process:

$ watch -d -n1 solar_capture_monitor dump

Running solar_capture_monitor has very little impact on the performance of the capture process. Other solar_capture_monitor commands include "line_rate" and "line_total" to show packet rate and bandwidth.


SolarCapturePro provides a modified version of libpcap, which can capture and inject packets using the SolarCapturePro architecture, bypassing the kernel. This can be used in two ways, either by statically linking to the modified libpcap, or for existing applications that dynamically link against libpcap, a wrapper script is provided to enable the SolarCapturePro version of libpcap to be used.

The wrapper script can be used as follows: $ solar_libpcap

Software filtering

As well as filtering in hardware using the "streams=" option, SolarCapturePro adds support for filtering in software with filters specified in the BPF syntax. Packets that have been captured will be matched against the specified filter, and those that do not match will be discarded. The filter can be specified on the command line using the "filter=" option. For example:

$ solar_capture eth2=/tmp/pcap filter="src host"

Software filtering is applied to all packets captured. The captured packets can be limited by using the streams option in the normal way. For example to capture all unicast udp traffic for a specific host the following options could be used:

$ solar_capture eth2=/tmp/pcap streams="eth:00:0F:53:01:7D:40" filter="udp"

Sniff mode

Packets captured by SolarCapture are not available by default to the kernel stack, OpenOnload or any other process.

On Flareon adapters SolarCapturePro can be run in sniff mode (add mode=sniff to the command line) whereby packets captured by SolarCapture will be replicated in hardware and so also be made available to other receivers.

The behaviour of sniff mode can be modified using the promiscuous option. If promiscuous is enabled ("promiscuous=1" which is the default) then all packets arriving at the sniffed interface will also be delivered to SolarCapturePro. If promiscuous is not enabled ("promiscuous=0") then only packets that would anyway be delivered to the host will be delivered to SolarCapturePro.

On other adapters is not possible to use SolarCapture to monitor streams that are consumed by applications on the same server. We recommend using SolarCapture with mirror/span switch ports.

Hardware timestamps

On Flareon adapters SolarCapturePro will attempt to assign timestamps in hardware, but fall back to software if they are not available, e.g. due to a resource shortage or missing license.
