YanSchw / SuoraEngine

Suora Engine – Open Source 3D game engine written in C++ 🔨
Apache License 2.0
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3d-graphics cpp cpp20 engine game-development game-engine game-engine-3d gamedev opengl

Suora Engine

SuoraEngine is an open-source C++ Engine for building 3D real-time rendering Applications and interactive Content, especially Video Games.

Screenshot of the Suora Engine editor

Current Features

Gameplay Programming

Gameplay Programming Gameplay Programming using C++ and a custom C++ Reflection System using SuoraHeaderTool and SuoraBuildTool. Everything is devided into C++ Modules, which can be compiled incrementally. Full Clean Engine Build within 5 Minutes. Incremental C++ Build (Compile + Editor Startup) in <15 Seconds.

Gameplay Scripting (Experimental)

Gameplay Scripting Gameplay Scripting using C#. Extend Native C++ Classes and Functionality with C# and .Net Core 8. .Net Core 8 SDK is required! Full C# Build + HotReload in <5 Seconds.

Visual Scripting (Experimental)

Visual Scripting Create custom Gameplay Logic using Visual Scripting. Easy interoperability with C++ using SuoraHeaderTool.

Other Features Suora offers:

Feature Description
Custom SuoraBuildTool To extend the Engine using Modules as Plugins and to allow Reflection and Introspection
Custom Visual Scripting Tools Node-based Visual Scripting to enable easy implementation of custom logic
Physics 3D Physics using JoltPhysics
GameFramework Flexible Node-based GameFramework
Custom EditorUI using the RenderingAPI as a Backend (Immediate)
InGameUI using the GameFramework and UINodes (Retained)
Full Visual Editor Feature complete Level- and Asset-Editor to enable authoring game content
Deferred Rendering Deferred + Forward Rendering using scriptable Shaders
Particle Systems using Instanced Rendering

Getting Started [Windows]

Build the Engine Yourself

Build Requirements

Supported Platforms