Discord Clone
Welcome to the Discord Clone built with Next.js! This project aims to replicate the functionality and design of the popular communication platform Discord using the Next.js framework.
![Demo photo](https://utfs.io/f/ff27ddb0-dadb-426a-b064-72d8dd3b85df-w4d8p.png)
-> Key Features <-
- **Real-time Chatting:** Enjoy seamless real-time messaging with friends and communities. Send text messages instantly and engage in conversations effortlessly.
- **Voice and Video Calls:** Connect with friends through high-quality voice and video calls. Experience crystal-clear audio and video communication, whether you're chatting one-on-one or in a group.
- **Server and Channel Management:** Create and manage servers and channels to organize your communities and conversations efficiently. Customize permissions and roles to maintain control over your server environment.
- **Direct messages**: Conversate with any members of the server directly. You can give a video call or an audio call directly.
- **Rich Media Support:** Share images, videos, GIFs, and other media files within your conversations. Express yourself with a wide range of multimedia options.
- **Emojis and Reactions:** Spruce up your conversations with emojis and reactions. React to messages to express your feelings or simply add some fun to the chat.
💻 Tech Stacks
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![Radix UI](https://img.shields.io/badge/radix%20ui-161618.svg?style=for-the-badge&logo=radix-ui&logoColor=white)
![Lucide react](https://img.shields.io/badge/Lucide%20react-00D1B2?style=for-the-badge&logoColor=white)
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**Backend :**
![Node JS](https://img.shields.io/badge/Node.js-43853D?style=for-the-badge&logo=node.js&logoColor=white)
## Contribution
We welcome contributions from the community! Before contributing, please review our [Contribution Guidelines](./Contributing.md) to get started.
## Local development
### Fork the repo
>To contribute to this Discord-Clone, you must first fork the [Discord-Clone](https://github.com/Yeasir0032/Discord-Clone) repo.
### Clone the repo
1. Clone your GitHub forked repo:
git clone https://github.com//Discord-Clone
2. Go to the Discord-Clone directory:
cd discord-clone
### Install dependencies
1. Install the dependencies in the root of the repo:
npm install # install dependencies
2. Copy the example `.env.local.example` to `.env.local`
### Setup Environment variables
- Create a .env.local in your root directory
- Visit [Supabase](https://supabase.com/dashboard/) website to create a project, then get its base URL and base anon key.
- Visit [UploadThing](https://uploadthing.com/dashboard) website to create a new app and get its app ID and secret key.
- Visit [ClerkJS](https://clerk.com/docs/references/javascript/overview) website to create a new app and get its public key and secret key.
- Visit [LiveKit](https://livekit.io/) website to create a new app and get its public key, URL, and secret key.
- Paste the credentials in the respective positions.
- Keep the rest as it is.
### Testing
To start a development server
npm run dev # start all the applications
>Visit [http://localhost:3000/](http://localhost:3000/)
### Deployment
>For deployment use services like **Railway** , **Digital Ocean**, **AWS**, **Google Cloud**, **Azure**, etc.
## Documentation
### App Routes
- **auth** -> For authentication using ClerkJs.
- **invite** -> For inviting to existing servers.
- **main** -> contains routes for server, channel, and conversations pages.
- **/servers/serverId** -> server route
- **/channels/channelId** -> channel specific route
- **/conversations/memberId** -> member of server private conversation.
- **setup** -> To create an initial server create a modal.
- **api** -> For api handling
Our Contributors ❤️
Thank you for contributing to our repository.😃
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