abstrakt8 / rewind

A beatmap/replay analyzer for the rhythm game called osu!
MIT License
303 stars 19 forks source link
game osu pixijs react webgl


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Rewind is a beatmap/replay analyzer for osu! and is currently in development phase.

BTMC on Road of Resistance


This video shows most of the features listed down below:


The latest release for Windows/Linux can be found at the release page.

Questions / Feedback / Discussions

If you have any questions about Rewind or want to contribute by submitting ideas, feel free to join the osu! University Discord. It is an improvement-focused osu! hub, osu! coaching hub, and a platform for experienced players to spread their game knowledge to the public.

Contribution (development, testing, documentation, ...)

If you want to contribute, please join the Dev Discord.

Currently, a large portion of the code is in a "volatile" / "prototype" / "proof of concept" state. So if you want to contribute by developing, please notify me beforehand.