aditya-garg-09-01-2002 / commencer

Bringing in commonly used APIs for building your unique projects
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Commencer (q-auth)

Easy Authentication Integration for Beginner Dev Projects


Commencer simplifies the integration of authentication into your projects, offering a quick and hassle-free setup.


1. For Developers Using the npm Package / Repository as a Template

Step 1 : For Install the package via npm

npx commencer

Or Clone the repo directly

Step 2 : Configure your MySQL database URL in the .env file under COMMENCER_DATABASE_URL

Step 3 : Generate Prisma files:

npx prisma generate

Step 4 : Deploy migrations:

npx prisma migrate deploy

2. For Contributors

Contributions are welcome!😃 Follow these steps to contribute:

  1. Fork the repository.

  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.

  3. Stage and commit your changes:

git add <file-path> 
git commit -m "Detailed message about changes"
  1. Push to your branch and create a pull request.

Additional Git Commands:

To stage changes:

git add <file-path>

To commit changes:

git commit # opens vim editor

For a simple commit message (not recommended):

git commit -m "<message>"

3. User Registration Process

  1. After registration, users will receive an OTP via email.
  2. Users must verify the OTP to complete the registration.
  3. Re-registration is not allowed if the email is already in the database, regardless of OTP verification status.

4. API Endpoints Description

The /src/routes/user/index.ts file defines several authentication-related endpoints. Some routes listed below are prefixed with /auth/.

1. POST /auth/register-user

2. POST /auth/login

3. PUT /auth/reset-password

4. PUT /auth/set-password

Contribution Guide

To contribute, create a discussion thread to clarify processes and suggest improvements.

Feedback and Support

Feel free to open issues or discussions if you need assistance or encounter any problems. Contributions and suggestions are highly encouraged to improve the repository.