Mixture is a powerful node-based tool crafted in unity to generate all kinds of textures in realtime. Mixture is very flexible, easily customizable through ShaderGraph and a simple C# API, fast with it's GPU based workflow and compatible with all the render pipelines thanks to the new Custom Render Texture API.
The current version is compatible with Unity 2022.2, for older versions you can use previous releases.
Here are some useful documentation links:
The roadmap is available on Trello: https://trello.com/b/2JiH2Vsp/mixture. If you have a Trello account, you can vote on cards to prioritize a feature.
Join the Mixture Discord!
To give feedback, ask a question or make a feature request, you can either use the Github Discussions or the Discord server.
Bugs are logged using the github issue system. To report a bug, simply open a new issue.
All contributions are welcomed.
For new nodes, check out this documentation page on how to create a new shader-based node. Once you have it working, prepare a pull request against this repository.
In case you have any questions about a feature you want to develop of something you're not sure how to do, you can still create a draft pull request to discuss the implementation details.
You can open a Mixture graph just by double clicking any texture field in the inspector with a Mixture assigned to it.
Surface Gradient powered normal map operations.
Extract buffers (depth, normal, color or position) from the rendering of a prefab and use it directly in the graph (HDRP Only).
Fractal nodes in Mixture:
Mixture Variants:
Earth Heightmap node:
Fluid simulation: