allansifuna / Flask-Mpesa

Flask-Mpesa provides a simple intergration for flask Applications with Mpesa Daraja API.
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allansifuna cicd flask-applications flask-mpesa githubactions hacktoberfest mpesa-daraja-api pypi python3
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Flask-Mpesa provides a simple intergration for flask Applications with Mpesa Daraja API.


Use the package manager pip to install flask-mpesa.

pip install Flask-Mpesa


from flask import Flask
from flask_mpesa import MpesaAPI



if you are using blueprints

from flask_mpesa import MpesaAPI


Be sure to set the following variables in the app.config

app.config["API_ENVIRONMENT"] = "sandbox" #sandbox or production
app.config["APP_KEY"] = "..." # App_key from developers portal
app.config["APP_SECRET"] = "..." #App_Secret from developers portal


For the api requests to be processed by safaricom, they need to be secure. This means that your urls should use https instead of http protocal. I recommend use of a port tunneling app like Ngrok.

Sample Credentials

For testing your application, You should acquire test cedentials from Daraja API's Portal but if you the credentials don't work for you, you can use the credentials below:-

Key Value
app_key vbxsneeZ9IMFoyKKIgOIQQZFlawAADnP
app_secret WAzDhQVhitIXwiTc
initiator_name testapi364
party_a 600364
security_credential TziD/ydlT52Fm6SOH1ebrzUFwy3cP6OGplsrWja+X/1roQy2AzMsj5QGuqu9O+IFR1E6l16Jm87tg4bhnxoIhAufCEWusQI1wJZ6YLzpN0cHZAY/8SN1JfHdgEkrmksAY14pejHyfntyLT9Sg51kBjaj6J7/2+gHl2e64klnJAhlfPJWxC18zwEzsg58zFmypcovPPB6MHkPLyHQNFbu4oXC0e2gkZrIAWXTNN7PpYt4m/w39s5txU7/6P7hTzXgYAgqk4kxfPBIBeEmKhH5tSGxMD+xnSpZIXLovFgopexq8S76pmdLMjr2CdR60GlwXnAPnKJ5U9CIxRRewuoksQ==
business_shortcode 174379
passcode bfb279f9aa9bdbcf158e97dd71a467cd2e0c893059b10f78e6b72ada1ed2c919

NOTE: These credentials are for a sample sandbox application and cannot be used in production.

B2C Api

This returns a json response to your result_url.

def b2c_transact():
    data={"initiator_name": "[InitiatorName]",
            "security_credential": "[SecurityCredential]",#from developers portal
            "amount": "1000",
            "party_a": "[PartyA]",
            "party_b": "[PartyB]",
            "remarks": "[Remarks]",
            "queue_timeout_url": "YOUR_URL" ,
            "result_url": "YOUR_URL",
            "occassion": "[Occassion]"
    mpesa_api.B2C.transact(**data)  # ** unpacks the dictionary

B2B Api

This returns a json response to your result_url.

def b2b_transact():
    data={"initiator": "[Initiator]",
            "security_credential": "[SecurityCredential]",#from developers portal
            "amount": "1000",
            "party_a": "[PartyA]",
            "party_b": "[PartyB]",
            "remarks": "[Remarks]",
            "queue_timeout_url": "YOUR_URL" ,
            "result_url": "YOUR_URL",
            "account_reference": "[AccountReference]"
    mpesa_api.B2B.transact(**data)  # ** unpacks the dictionary

C2B api

def c2b_transact():
    reg_data={"shortcode": "600364",
          "response_type": "Completed",
          "confirmation_url": "",
          "validation_url": ""
    v=mpesa_api.C2B.register(**reg_data)  # ** unpacks the dictionary
    ##use v to capture the response

    #This method allows you to test a mock payment and see the result so it can be avoided in production mode.
    test_data={"shortcode": "600364",
           "command_id": "CustomerPayBillOnline",
           "amount": "100",
           "msisdn": "254708374149",
           "bill_ref_number": "account"
    new_v = mpesa_api.C2B.simulate(**test_data)  # ** unpacks the dictionary
    #use new_v to capture the response
    return render_template('home.html')

def c2b_confirmation():
    #save the data
    request_data =

    #Perform your processing here e.g. print it out...

MpesaExpress api

def simulate_stk_push():
    data = {
        "business_shortcode": "[BusinessShortcode]", #from developers portal
        "passcode": "[Passcode]",#from developers portal
        "amount": "[Amount]", # choose amount preferrably KSH 1
        "phone_number":"[PhoneNumber]", #phone number to be prompted to pay
        "reference_code": "[Reference Code]",#Code to inform the user of services he/she is paying for.
        "callback_url": "[YOUR_URL]", # cllback url should be exposes. for testing putposes you can route on host and set the callback url to be https://youripaddress:yourport/endpoint
        "description": "[Description]" #a description of the transaction its optional
    resp = mpesa_api.MpesaExpress.stk_push(**data)  # ** unpacks the dictionary
    ##use resp to capture the response
    return render_template('home.html')

def callback_url():
    #get json data set to this route
    json_data = request.get_json()
    #get result code and probably check for transaction success or failure
    #if result code is 0 you can proceed and save the data else if its any other number you can track the transaction
    return jsonify(message),200

Balance api

def balance():
    data = {"initiator": "",
            "security_credential": "",
            "command_id": "AccountBalance",
            "party_a": "",
            "identifier_type": "",
            "remarks": "",
            "queue_timeout_url": "",
            "result_url": ""
    balance_response = mpesa_api.Balance.get_balance(**data)  # ** unpacks the dictionary

    # use balance_response to capture the response

TransactionStatus api

def transaction_status():
    data = {"initiator": "",
            "transaction_id": "",
            "party_a": "",
            "security_credential": "",
            "identifier_type": "",
            "remarks": "",
            "queue_timeout_url": "",
            "result_url": "",
            "occassion": ""
    status = mpesa_api.TransactionStatus.check_transaction_status(**data)
    # use status to capture the response


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
