allegroflare / allegro_flare

Application toolkit for Allegro 5
MIT License
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allegro allegro5 game-engine game-framework game-framework-engine

Allegro Flare AllegroFlare

AllegroFlare is set of complementary classes for the Allegro 5 Game Programming Library written in C++.

The goal of AllegroFlare is to provide a suite of higher level game programming classes that aren't otherwise a good fit for the Allegro 5 core API. Hopefully, you may find some AllegroFlare components that make an otherwise complicated game programming task much easier to do.

Note: AllegroFlare is currently in pre-alpha. That is, the overall design is still maturing. Many years of code are contained in the codebase, work perfectly well, and are well-tested. Most if not all components work well in isolation and are perfectly usable at your own risk in your own software. However, the build system for the library as a whole is currently locked to core developers. The library in its entirety will not reach alpha until v0.9.

Some Examples

Knowledge of Allegro 5 is expected, as you will still have direct access to all of Allegro 5 primitives and operations when using AllegroFlare. However, you won't have to manage them as much.

Projected Development Versions

A Simple Example Program

#include <AllegroFlare/Framework.hpp>
#include <AllegroFlare/Screen.hpp>
#include <AllegroFlare/ScreenManager.hpp>

class ExampleProgram : public AllegroFlare::Screen
   AllegroFlare::FontBin *font_bin;
   ExampleProgram(AllegroFlare::Display *display, AllegroFlare::FontBin *font_bin)
     : AllegroFlare::Screen(display)
     , font_bin(font_bin)

   void primary_timer_func() override
      al_clear_to_color(ALLEGRO_COLOR{0, 0, 0, 0});

      ALLEGRO_FONT *font = font_bin->auto_get("Courier.ttf 16");
      al_draw_text(font, ALLEGRO_COLOR{1, 1, 1, 1}, 100, 100, 0, "Hello AllegroFlare!");

int main(int argc, char **argv)
   // setup the system
   AllegroFlare::ScreenManager screens;
   AllegroFlare::Framework framework(&screens);
   AllegroFlare::Display *display = framework.create_display(1920, 1080);

   // create the screen where our example program exists
   ExampleProgram example_program(display);

   // register the screen to the system

   // run the loop


At its core, AllegroFlare is a collection of individual classes, each called a component. Each component has multiple files:

  1. Header file (located in include/ folder)
  2. Source file (located in src/ folder)
  3. Documentation file (located in docs/ folder)
  4. Test file (located in tests/ folder)
  5. Example file (located in examples/ folder)
  6. Sometimes, a quintessence file, (located in quintessence/ folder)

Each component has a filename that corresponds with a file in the same folder structure in each folder. For example, if the component was AllegroFlare/Timeline/Actor2D (corresponding to the namespaced class AllegroFlare::Timeline::Actor2D), then the following files should be present:

  1. Header file include/AllegroFlare/Timeline/Actor2D.hpp
  2. Source file src/AllegroFlare/Timeline/Actor2D.cpp
  3. Documentation file docs/AllegroFlare/Timeline/
  4. Test file tests/AllegroFlare/Timeline/Actor2DTest.cpp
  5. Example file examples/AllegroFlare/Timeline/Actor2DExample.cpp
  6. a quintessence file quintessence/AllegroFlare/Timeline/Actor2D.q.yml

In The Repo

bin/              <- binary files that have been compiled during build
  data/           <- data files (bitmaps, fonts, samples, etc used for programs)
demos/            <- source files for games made using AllegroFlare
docs/             <- individual `.md` documentation files, each correlating to a specific component
documentation/    <- The documentation, tutorials, etc
examples/         <- example programs, each example only demonstrating one component
include/          <- header `.hpp` files for each component
legacy/           <- folder containing old dead code that might be of interest for future reference
lib/              <- compiled `.lib` files of `allegro_flare-x.x.x` files
quintessence/     <- quintessence file `.q.yml` for each component
src/              <- source `.cpp` file for each component
  test_snapshots/ <- screenshots captured during test runs
tests/            <- test file for each component
  fixtures/       <- fixture files for tests
tools/            <- catch-all folder for some helper scripts or random tools
