allista / ConfigurableContainers

This is a plugin for KSP mod development.
MIT License
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ksp mod resuorces switch tank

Configurable Containers


For Players

This mod converts fuel tanks and resource containers so that you can change the resource(s) they hold in Editor and in Flight.

Supported Mods

Configurable Containers support many part packs and mods:

Types of the Containers

Tank Type is a set of resources that, gamewise, have something in common. For example gases, or liquid chemicals, or metals. There are also two kinds of configurable containers.

Compound containers have a dedicated user interface so as not to clutter part menu:

TankManager GUI

For Modders

CC is a part of the AT_Utils framework.

It provides the SwitchableTank module that allows for creation of container parts for predefined sets of resources switchable in-flight. Sets are configured in a separate .cfg file and are intended to contain similar things like gases (one set), liquid chemicals (another) and so on.

Another module Configurable Containers provide is the TankManager which enables in-editor partitioning of a container, effectively converting it into a set of independent SwitchableTanks.

The third, utility module named SimpleTextureSwitcher allows you to cycle through a predefined set of textures for the model or a part of the model, so a container may be easily identified. It is now part of the main AT_Utils.dll, not the CC itself.