aminabyaneh / stable-imitation-policy

Learning globally stable dynamical systems policies through imitation
MIT License
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dynamical-systems embodied-ai imitation-learning robotics

Learning Stable Imitation Policies


Imitation learning can be leveraged to tackle complex motion planning problems by training a policy to imitate an expert's behavior. However, relying solely on the expert's data can result in unsafe behaviors when the robot encounters unknown regions of the state space. To address this issue, we try various techniques for learning a stable nonlinear dynamical system as a motion planning policy.

This repository contains implementations of our two recently published efforts, namely:

Getting started

This section provides instructions on reproducibility and basic functionalities of the repository.

Repository structure

To acquire a better understanding of the environment and features, you just need to clone the repository into your local machine. At first glance, the structure of the project appears below.

    ├── src          # Python source files of the project.
    ├── exp          # Targeted experiments with various planning methods.
    ├── data         # Figures and other data.
    ├── res          # Resources like saved policies.
    ├── sim          # Simulation files with PyBullet.
    ├── lib          # External libraries or reference codes.
    ├── .gitmodules  # Organizing the modules in lib folder.
    ├── LICENSE

Dependencies and Conda

All the dependencies for this project are summarized as a Conda environment in environment.yaml. The following command should automatically install the entire set of dependencies.

conda env create -f environment.yaml

Before running the above, make sure you have Conda installed, or install it from Anaconda Website.

Known Issues

Experimenting with SNDS

The exp folder contains most of the experiments and baselines comparisons. To prepare for running experiments, you need to navigate into the folder and use python to launch the file.

python3 -nt snds -ms Sine -sp -nd 5 -ne 10000

These files utilize the argparse library, so you can easily check their help instructions to understand their functionality and available command-line options.

python -h

This option works for any other python file in the folder. Make sure you are familiar with the command-line interface (CLI) options to save or plot the results, as they play a crucial role in obtaining the desired output. For instance, for PLYDS:

usage: [-h] [-nt NONLINEAR_TOOL] [-m MODE] [-ms MOTION_SHAPE] [-nd NUM_DEMONSTRATIONS] [-ne NUM_EPOCHS] [-sp] [-sm] [-sd SAVE_DIR]

Nonlinear DS experiments CLI interface.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -nt NEURAL_TOOL, --neural-tool NEURAL_TOOL
                        The nonlinear policy or tool
                        among snds, sdsef, nn.
  -m MODE, --mode MODE  Mode between train and test. Test mode only loads the model with the provided name.
  -ms MOTION_SHAPE, --motion-shape MOTION_SHAPE
                        Shape of the trajectories as in LASA dataset.
                        Number of additional demonstrations to the original dataset.
  -ne NUM_EPOCHS, --num-epochs NUM_EPOCHS
                        Number of training epochs.
  -sp, --show-plots     Show extra plots of final result and trajectories.
  -sm, --save-model     Save the model in the res folder.
  -sd SAVE_DIR, --save-dir SAVE_DIR
                        Optional destination for save/load.

Experimenting with PLYDS

The exp folder contains most of the experiments and baselines comparisons. To prepare for running experiments, you need to navigate into the folder and grant Unix executable access to all the Python files or use python to launch them:


These files utilize the argparse library, so you can easily check their help instructions to understand their functionality and available command-line options.

python -h

This option works for any other python file in the folder.

Make sure you are familiar with the command-line interface (CLI) options to save or plot the results, as they play a crucial role in obtaining the desired output. For instance, for PLYDS:

                         [-mn MODEL_NAME] [-sp] [-st SET_TOLERANCE] [-sm] [-sd SAVE_DIR] [-ls]

Polynomial DS experiments CLI interface.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -dsd DS_DEGREE, --ds-degree DS_DEGREE
                        Complexity of the polynomial dynamical system.
  -lpfd LPF_DEGREE, --lpf-degree LPF_DEGREE
                        Complexity of the stability Lyapunov function.
  -o OPTIMIZER, --optimizer OPTIMIZER
                        Switch between scipy and cvxpy optimizers.
                        Number of additional demonstrations to the original dataset.
  -ms MOTION_SHAPE, --motion-shape MOTION_SHAPE
                        Shape of the trajectories as in LASA dataset, pick from ['G', 'P', 'Sine', 'Worm', 'Angle', 'C', 'N',
  -mn MODEL_NAME, --model-name MODEL_NAME
                        Name of the trained model.
  -sp, --show-plots     Show extra plots of final result and trajectories.
  -st SET_TOLERANCE, --set-tolerance SET_TOLERANCE
                        Number of trials per demonstrated motion.
  -sm, --save-model     Keep a copy of the model in the res folder.
  -sd SAVE_DIR, --save-dir SAVE_DIR
                        Optional destination for save/load.
  -ls, --lpf-simplification
                         Simplify to non-parametric LPF if activated.

The file enables multiple experiments for each of the baselines and PLYDS with just setting the argument.


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


Please use the following BibTeX formatted citation for PLYDS:

  title={Learning Lyapunov-Stable Polynomial Dynamical Systems Through Imitation},
  author={Abyaneh, Amin and Lin, Hsiu-Chin},
  booktitle={7th Annual Conference on Robot Learning},

and SNDS:

  title={Globally Stable Neural Imitation Policies},
  author={Abyaneh, Amin and Guzm{\'a}n, Mariana Sosa and Lin, Hsiu-Chin},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.04118},



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.