annadalmolin / CRAFT

CRAFT is a computational pipeline that predicts circRNA sequence and molecular interactions with miRNAs and RBPs, along with their coding potential. CRAFT provides a comprehensive graphical visualization of the results, links to several knowledge databases, extensive functional enrichment analysis and combination of predictions for different circRNAs. CRAFT is a useful tool to help the user explore the potential regulatory networks involving the circRNAs of interest and generate hypotheses about the cooperation of circRNAs into the regulation of biological processes.
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bioinformatics circrna-prediction mirna-mrna-interaction open-reading-frame rna-binding-proteins


CRAFT is a computational pipeline that predicts circRNA sequence and molecular interactions with miRNAs and RBPs, along with their coding potential. CRAFT provides a comprehensive graphical visualization of the results, links to several knowledge databases, extensive functional enrichment analysis and combination of predictions for different circRNAs. CRAFT is a useful tool to help the user explore the potential regulatory networks involving the circRNAs of interest and generate hypotheses about the cooperation of circRNAs into the regulation of biological processes.


Installation from the Docker image

The Docker image saves you from the installation burden. A Docker image of CRAFT is available from DockerHub at; just pull it with the command:

docker pull annadalmolin/craft:v1.0


Input data

Prepare your project directory with the following files:

and directory:

Running the analysis

To run CRAFT from the Docker container use:

sudo docker run -it -v $(pwd):/data annadalmolin/craft:v1.0

All paths in _pathfiles.txt must be relative to the directory in the container where the volumes were mounted (f.i. _/data/input/filename, as detailed above). If you want the container to give your user permissions, you need to set the owner id with "-u id -u":

sudo docker run -u `id -u` -it -v $(pwd):/data annadalmolin/craft:v1.0

Output data

After CRAFT successful run end, you will find the following new directories in your project directory:

  1. _sequenceextraction/: contains intermediary files for the sequence reconstruction step
  2. _functionalpredictions/: contains final files of sequence reconstruction step and the three directories for miRNA, RBP and ORF predictions, respectively
  3. _graphicaloutput/: contains the directory general/ with the summary predictions of all circRNA analyzed, and a directory for each single circRNA with the specific investigation

CircRNA sequence provided by the user

If circRNA sequences are available to the user, CRAFT doesn’t perform the sequence reconstruction step. So, to let CRAFT use the provided circRNA sequences, the user must follow these steps:

  1. create the _sequenceextraction/ directory into the project directory
  2. add the _backsplice_sequence1.fa, _backsplice_sequence1.txt and _backsplice_circRNA_length1.txt files, in the format described above, to _sequenceextraction/
  3. add the _backsplice_genename.txt file, in the format described above, to _sequenceextraction/
  4. if the user wants to filter for miRNA binding sites overlapped with AGO2 binding sites, he/she must also add the file _region_to_extract1.bed to _sequenceextraction/. The file in BED6 format must have six tab-separated columns: circRNA chromosome, 0-based start position, 1-based end position, backsplice coordinates, score, strand. Each row represents a single separated region from which the circRNA is arranged (exon, intron, part of exon/intron or intergenic region). An example of _region_to_extract1.bed is:

    11  33286412    33287511    11:33286412-33287511    .   +
    15  64499291    64500166    15:64499291-64500166    .   +
    4   143543508   143543657   4:143543508-143543972   .   +
    4   143543852   143543972   4:143543508-143543972   .   +

Additional notes

How to cite

If you use CRAFT for your analysis, please add the following citation to your references:

Dal Molin A, Gaffo E, Difilippo V, Buratin A, Tretti Parenzan C, Bresolin S, Bortoluzzi S, CRAFT: a bioinformatics software for custom prediction of circular RNA functions, Brief Bioinform. 2022 Mar 10;23(2):bbab601.