annagabain / Mom-Schedule

Portfolio Project nr. 4 for Code Institute Assessment. Mom Schedule: A Time Planning Tool for Busy Mothers
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css django html5 postgresql python3

Mom Schedule

A Time Planning Tool for Busy Mothers

Mom Schedule is a time-planning tool for busy Mothers. The application has a calendar and offers event editing and creating task cards.

As a site user, you can: Log in, Create Tasks, Categorize and Filter by following criteria: All Tasks, Calendar - to Overview your Month, See Completed Tasks Only, Hide Completed Tasks, Filter by Due Date, Filter by selected Category - Work, Childcare, Household, Health, Free time and Other tasks.

Main Technologies applied are: HTML, CSS, Python, Django Framework and Postgres Relational database.

This is the fourth Portfolio Project in frames of the Code Institute Full Stack Web Developer Course Assessment.

:point_down: Click the link below for the live view:

Live View

responsiveness responsiveness



It is crucial to identify and get to know the website user in order to enhance the user experience. A Persona method helps 'bringing to life' a real-life individual with personality traits, favourite choices and preferences. Jane Smith (the Persona) is a working mother that loves bio products and enjoys walks in the nature. She will like the Mom Schedule colour pallette in natural tones. The persona summary is created with a tool called Xtensio that helps to conduct a virtual UX analysis. Additionally, a customer journey tracking was conducted to follow Jane's navigation and make it to her most convenience.

More about this user Persona is described in my previous project, called Mom Lifehacks:

User Stories

All user stories as part of a project:


There have been two main device views considered for the responsivity of Mom Schedule: Mobile and Laptop. Some efforts have been made to make sure the application is visually appealing and functional on tablets and larger monitors as well.

Initial test result: Am I responsive?


The Methods to achieve desired device responsivity level include Bootstrap5 features and custom CSS.


User Friendly Messages

In order to reassure the user for the actions they have taken, as well as to guide them, user-friendly messages have been created.

Log in confirmation message & new user guidance to create the first Task

user friendliness

The logged in user is redirected to the All Tasks page. In case the user has just registered or did not create any Tasks, a link is provided to do so.

Log out confirmation message

user friendliness

The user is being informed about the log in / log out status to make sure their information is kept safe and private.

No tasks and what to do about it message

user friendliness

In case the user has no Tasks within selected filter, a message is provided accordingly, to hint them what to do. This ensures a smoother website navigation and user experience.

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The welcoming intorduction is visible to everyone, regardless of their log in status. This overview provides information about the application features and functionality. Sample screenshots show what to expect once registered and logged in.

welcome page

Site Header and Log in

The site header contains Mom Schedule clickable logo that leads to the homepage.

welcome page

As well as the login status and greeting the user by their username. There is a dropdon button to log out of the application directly.

welcome page

Authentication and Authorization

The application provides an Authentication and Authorization mechanism by enabling the user to register a personal account. There are several pages that request authorized view, as well as authentication of the user account to be able to store individual data.

Register and Log in

login register

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Site Navigation

In order to comfortably navigate through the tasks, homepage and contact the website administrators, a sidebar is available to the user. On the mobile view the navigation is floated to the top of the page, to maximize the application usability in frames of the limmited space on the phone screen.


The Sidebar includes: Homepage, Contact form, My Tasks and Filtering dropdown, including the Calendar view, New Task button.

My Tasks and Filter by Dropdown

Upon clicking the My Tasks dropdown, the user navigates through the Task filtering, the first of which is viewing all of the tasks.

Sidebar dropdown with nested categories dropdown

welcome page welcome page

Filtering Tasks - Show all:

filter tasks show all tasks

Filtering Tasks - Show Headlines on Calendar:

filter tasks show calendar

Filtering Tasks - By due date (for urgency):

filter tasks by dues date

Contact Us

The user, regardless of their authentication status, is able to contact the website owner for questions and comments about the application.

contact form

New Task

This is the most important feature. The New Task form enables the user creating new tasks.

new task

Future Features

Some possible features will be considered for Mom Schedule upon request from the users:

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Development Stages


Initial planning has been conducted manually with pen and paper. Most of the features have been implemented in Mom Schedule project afterwards.


The main database consisted of 3 Tables, necessary to create the data manipulation flow. These are Tasks, Categories and Users.



PgSQL Relational Database Diagram


Desktop Wireframes

Today View, now All Tasks

Login / Register View, now in separate windows

wireframe wireframe

Edit Task View

Initially 'This Week View', now Month's Calendar

wireframe wireframe

Using Frameworks and Libraries

The following frameworks have been acting as main tools for the application programming:

Using Source code

Some parts of the project have been created using sections of code from other sources. An example of this is the HTML calendar feature, that was partially taken from a repository: , forked and adapted to the Mom Schedule project.

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A short validation has been performed with Html and Css validators. Minor issues have been detected with Html. Css validation passed with no issues.

HTML Validator

html validator

CSS Validator

css validator

Manual Testing

In the browser by running the local server: python3 runserver

Two devices for responsivoty: a laptop and an iPhone 8.

A user experience walkthrough.

Automatic Testing - Writing Functions

Test functions

Django’s unit tests use a Python standard library module: unittest. This module defines tests using a class-based approach.

In terminal: python3 test

Several test functions have been written and placed in files similar to the original, with the prefix 'test' to them (eg.,



A coverage Html report has been generated to test the percentage of the code tested within the application.

Coverage report


The coverage report showed there are improvements to make in the following tests :

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:lady_beetle: - Static files weren't included by Heroku after deployment.

:bulb: - Using the WhiteNoise package fixed the issue.





:lady_beetle: - Title prepopulated with the first word only


Before: The Task heading is prepopulated only partially. Instead of "Cleaning Chores" we see "Cleaning" only


:mag: {{ title }}

The title was going into the database as a 'the variable seen, the first value preserved' and being posted to the database as the first value that is true, ignoring the rest of the text.


:bulb: Changing to {{ 'title' }} as a string solved the problem and the database started storing the whole inner contents of that string, no matter how many words.


After: The Task heading is now prepopulated completely as "Cleaning Chores".


:lady_beetle: - Date Format

having trouble with the date formats in Django. The HTML form has dd-mm-yyyy and Django has yyyy-mm-dd. They somehow communicate to save the date correctly in the database but the problem occurs when I try editing one of my Tasks, by clicking the yellow edit button for a specific task on my all_tasks.html.

It did not prepopulate the date dropdown and threw an error when trying to submit without choosing the date over again. However, editing inside the admin site worked well (it displayed yyyy-mm-dd).

debugging debugging

debugging debugging

:mag: - Tried solving by adding this code to


USE_L10N = False


It did not work

:bulb: - found a solution:

Changed the date format in my edit function in as follows:



Now it prepopulates my field with the date as dd-mm-yyyy. The mom_task is then saved without errors.

:lady_beetle: TestCase Bug

Before: Got an error creating the test database: permission denied to create database


:mag: - Checking the current database settings in


:bulb: - Temporarily activating the sqlite3 Django backends database fixed the issue.




Remaining Issues

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The project is deployed to GitHub via Gitpod Terminal with an integrated VScode editor. Then it is connected to the Heroku app to be reached via a web browser for user convenience. To enable this, a special Code Institute template was cloned and used .

The app is run in the backend terminal using python3 runserver and dependencies are placed in the requirements.txt file. The instruction on Heroku deployment was taken from the Code Institute Love Sandwiches walkthrough project, step by step as required.

Creating the Heroku app

The project was deployed to Heroku as follows:



Bootstrap grid:

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Sources & Credits


Writing and running tests in Django:

CSS tricks:

How to Create a Dropdown List in Django python:

Grid system:

Python Datetime:

User Specific Pages:

Setup Bootstrap messages for Django:

Django project base template:,where%20to%20place%20the%20base.

A guide to user registration:

Using WhiteNoise with Django:

Django and Static Assets:

Django models:

How to create a calendar with Django:

Event Calendar sample project and some source code:

Develop a Simple Python Django ToDo App in 1 minute:


Richard Wells - the course mentor for friendly guidance, help with refactoring some code and numerous project feedback sessions

Jakob Lövhall - help with Python datetime formatting

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