This is a little script to quickly get an Apertium language pair (with its monolingual dependencies) set up for development. It's meant for developers and people interested in hacking on the language data; if you just want to run the newest translators you should use the [[https://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Installation][nightly repositories]].
** Prerequisites
You'll need the newest Apertium development dependencies installed first, follow the "Prerequisites" step at https://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Installation but just skip installing any language data in the "Minimal installation from SVN" step – that's what this script handles.
This should give you the "core tools", ie.:
Not all language pairs depend on all the core tools, but since you can get core tools from the nightly repos, it's easiest to just get them all at once.
** Usage
Assuming you have the core tools installed, you can get the pair "fie-bar" along with its data dependencies apertium-fie and apertium-bar downloaded and compiled by simply doing
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/apertium/apertium-get/master/apertium-get.py -O apertium-get chmod +x apertium-get ./apertium-get fie-bar
The data will be placed under your current working directory. If you later run =apertium-get fie-fum= from the same directory, it'll just update apertium-fie, not redownload it (so you can actually use this script as a simple way to do =svn up && make= for a pair and its dependencies as well).
You can also get a listing of available pairs by passing the =-l= argument to =apertium-get=, see =apertium-get -h= for more information.
If you installed a monolingual dependency through =apt-get= or similar (or otherwise have it installed in your =PKG_CONFIG_PATH=), then you can choose to skip that dependency and use the installed version with =-x DEP=. For example, to avoid compiling the sme package before getting apertium-sme-nob, do:
sudo apt-get install giella-sme ./apertium-get -x sme sme-nob
You can also specify a git clone depth with =d DEPTH=, since some of these git checkouts can be quite big and slow, e.g.:
./apertium-get -d 1 nno-nob
** Giellatekno data
If you have the standard Giellatekno data setup with the SVN trunk checkout in a =GTHOME= variable, then =apertium-get= will try to reuse data from your =$GTHOME=, which should make compilation faster. You should be able to run
./apertium-get myv-mdf
and have it use the gtcore, langs/myv and langs/mdf from your =GTHOME= SVN checkout.
*** Using =apertium-get= without =GTHOME=
If =GTHOME= is unset, then =apertium-get= will download and
compile Giellatekno data just like Apertium data.
If you have =GTHOME=, but want to force =apertium-get= to not use
it for whatever reason, simply run the program with the variable
emptied, e.g.
GTHOME= ./apertium-get myv-mdf