ascv / HyperLogLog

Fast HyperLogLog for Python.
MIT License
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cardinality cardinality-counter cardinality-estimation hyperloglog python


The HyperLogLog algorithm [1] is a space efficient method to estimate the cardinality of extraordinarily large datasets. This module is written in C for Python >= 3.6 and Python 2.7.x. It implements a 64 bit version of HyperLogLog [2] using a Murmur64A hash.

Quick start

Install Python development libraries. This step will depend on your OS. On Ubuntu 24.0.4 LTS:

sudo apt install python-dev-is-python3

Install HLL:

pip install HLL

Example usage:

from HLL import HyperLogLog

hll = HyperLogLog(10) # use 2^10 registers
hll.add('some data')

estimate = hll.cardinality()

2.2 Changelog

2.1 Changelog

Deprecation notice: this is the last supported version for Python 2.7.x.

2.0 Changelog


HyperLogLog objects

HyperLogLog objects implement a 64 bit HyperLogLog algorithm [2]. They can be used to estimate the cardinality of very large datasets. The estimation accuracy is proportional to the number of registers. Using more registers increases the accuracy and using less registers decreases the accuracy. The number of registers is set in powers of 2 using the parameter p and defaults to p=12 or 2^12 registers.

>>> from hll import HyperLogLog
>>> hll = HyperLogLog() # Default to 2^12 registers
>>> hll.size()
>>> hll = HyperLogLog(3) # Use 2^3 registers
>>> hll.size()
>>> for data in ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four',]:
...     hll.add(data)
>>> hll.cardinality()

HyperLogLogs use a Murmur64A hash. This function is fast and has a good uniform distribution of bits which is necessary for accurate estimations. The seed to this hash function can be set in the HyperLogLog constructor:

>>> hll = HyperLogLog(p=2, seed=123456789)
>>> hll.seed()

The hash function can also be called directly:

>>> hll.hash('something')

Individual registers can be printed:

>>> for i in range(2**4):
...     print(hll.get_register(i))

HyperLogLog objects can be merged. This is done by taking the maximum value of their respective registers:

>>> A = HyperLogLog(p=4)
>>> A.add('hello')
>>> B = HyperLogLog(p=4)
>>> B.add('world')
>>> A.merge(B)
>>> A.cardinality()

Register representation

Registers are stored using both sparse and dense representation. Originally all registers are initialized to zero. However storing all these zeroes individually is wasteful. Instead a sorted linked list [3] is used to store only registers that have been set (e.g. have a non-zero value). When this list reaches sufficient size the HyperLogLog object will switch to using dense representation where registers are stored invidiaully using 6 bits.

Sparse representation can be disabled using the sparse flag:

>>> HyperLogLog(p=2, sparse=False)

The maximum list size for the sparse register list determines when the HyperLogLog object switches to dense representation. This can be set using max_list_size:

>>> HyperLogLog(p=15, max_list_size=10**6)

Traversing the sparse register list every time an item is added to the HyperLogLog to update a register is expensive. A temporary buffer is instead used to defer this operation. Items added to the HyperLogLog are first added to the temporary buffer. When the buffer is full the items are sorted and then any register updates occur. These updates can be done in one pass since both the temproary buffer and sparse register list are sorted.

The buffer size can be set using max_buffer_size:

>>> HyperLogLog(p=15, max_buffer_size=10**5)


This software is released under the MIT License.


[1] P. Flajolet, E. Fusy, O. Gandouet, F. Meunier. "HyperLogLog: the analysis of a near-optimal cardinality estimation algorithm," Conference on the Analysis of Algorithms 2007.

[2] O. Ertl, "New Cardinality Estimation Methods for HyperLogLog Sketches," arXiv:1706.07290 [cs], June 2017.

[3] S. Heule, M. Nunkesser, A. Hall. "HyperLogLog in Practice: Algorithimic Engineering of a State of the Art Cardinality Estimation Algorithm," Proceedings of the EDBT 2013 Conference, ACM, Genoa March 2013.