ashryaagr / Fairness.jl

Julia Toolkit with fairness metrics and bias mitigation algorithms
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bias-audit bias-mitigation fairness fairness-assessment fairness-ml julia machine-learning mlj


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Fairness.jl is a comprehensive bias audit and mitigation toolkit in julia. Extensive support and functionality provided by MLJ has been used in this package.

For an introduction to Fairness.jl refer the notebook available at

:warning: This is experimental software: We refer Aequitas for stable bias auditing.


using Pkg
Pkg.activate("my_environment", shared=true)

What Fairness.jl offers over its alternatives?

Getting Started


Following is an introductory example of using Fairness.jl. Observe how easy it has become to measure and mitigate bias in Machine Learning algorithms.

using Fairness, MLJ
X, y, ŷ = @load_toydata

julia> model = ConstantClassifier()
ConstantClassifier() @904

julia> wrappedModel = ReweighingSamplingWrapper(classifier=model, grp=:Sex)
    grp = :Sex,
    classifier = ConstantClassifier(),
    factor = 1) @312

julia> evaluate(
          X, y,
              [true_positive, true_positive_rate], grp=:Sex))
┌────────────────────┬─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┬───────────────────────────────────── ⋯
│ _.measure          │ _.measurement                                                                       │ _.per_fold                           ⋯
├────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────────── ⋯
│ true_positive      │ Dict{Any,Any}("M" => 2,"overall" => 4,"F" => 2)                                     │ Dict{Any,Any}[Dict("M" => 0,"overall ⋯
│ true_positive_rate │ Dict{Any,Any}("M" => 0.8333333333333334,"overall" => 0.8333333333333334,"F" => 1.0) │ Dict{Any,Any}[Dict("M" => 4.99999999 ⋯
└────────────────────┴─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┴───────────────────────────────────── ⋯


Fairness.jl is divided into following components


It is a 3D matrix of values of TruePositives, False Negatives, etc for each group. It greatly helps in optimization and removing the redundant calculations.



Name Metric Instances
True Positive truepositive, true_positive
True Negative truenegative, true_negative
False Positive falsepositive, false_positive
False Negative falsenegative, false_negative
True Positive Rate truepositive_rate, true_positive_rate, tpr, recall, sensitivity, hit_rate
True Negative Rate truenegative_rate, true_negative_rate, tnr, specificity, selectivity
False Positive Rate falsepositive_rate, false_positive_rate, fpr, fallout
False Negative Rate falsenegative_rate, false_negative_rate, fnr, miss_rate
False Discovery Rate falsediscovery_rate, false_discovery_rate, fdr
Precision positivepredictive_value, positive_predictive_value, ppv
Negative Predictive Value negativepredictive_value, negative_predictive_value, npv


Name Formula Value for Custom function (func)
disparity metric(Gᵢ)/metric(RefGrp) ∀ i func(metric(Gᵢ), metric(RefGrp)) ∀ i
parity [ (1-ϵ) <= dispariy_value[i] <= 1/(1-ϵ) ∀ i ] [ func(disparity_value[i]) ∀ i ]

BoolMetrics [WIP]

These metrics shall use either parity or shall have custom implementation to return boolean values

Metric Aliases
Demographic Parity DemographicParity

Fairness Algorithms

These algorithms are wrappers. These help in mitigating bias and improve fairness.

Algorithm Name Metric Optimised Supports Multi-valued protected attribute Type Reference
Reweighing General :heavy_check_mark: Preprocessing Kamiran and Calders, 2012
Reweighing-Sampling General :heavy_check_mark: Preprocessing Kamiran and Calders, 2012
Equalized Odds Algorithm Equalized Odds :heavy_check_mark: Postprocessing Hardt et al., 2016
Calibrated Equalized Odds Algorithm Calibrated Equalized Odds :x: Postprocessing Pleiss et al., 2017
LinProg Algorithm Any metric :heavy_check_mark: Postprocessing Our own Algorithm
Penalty Algorithm Any metric :heavy_check_mark: Inprocessing Our own Algorithm


Citing Fairness.jl


  author       = {Ashrya Agrawal and
                  Jiahao Chen and
                  Sebastian Vollmer and
                  Anthony Blaom},
  title        = {ashryaagr/Fairness.jl},
  month        = aug,
  year         = 2020,
  publisher    = {Zenodo},
  version      = {v0.1.2},
  doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.3977197},
  url          = {}