authorizerdev / authorizer

Your data, your control. Fully open source, authentication and authorization. No lock-ins. Deployment in Railway in 120 seconds || Spin a docker image as a micro-service in your infra. Built in login page and Admin panel out of the box.
MIT License
1.43k stars 147 forks source link
2fa auth authentication authorization docker golang graphdb graphql hacktoberfest magic-link microservice nosql oauth2 role-based-access-control security social-logins sql typescript user-privileges



Authorizer is an open-source authentication and authorization solution for your applications. Bring your database and have complete control over the user information. You can self-host authorizer instances and connect to any database (Currently supports 11+ databases including Postgres, MySQL, SQLite, SQLServer, YugaByte, MariaDB, PlanetScale, CassandraDB, ScyllaDB, MongoDB, ArangoDB).

For more information check:


We offer the following functionality


Getting Started

Step 1: Get Authorizer Instance

Deploy Production Ready Instance

Deploy production ready Authorizer instance using one click deployment options available below

Infra provider One-click link Additional information Deploy on Railway docs
Heroku Deploy to Heroku docs
Render Deploy to Render docs
Koyeb Deploy to Koyeb docs
RepoCloud Deploy on RepoCloud docs

Deploy Authorizer Using Source Code

This guide helps you practice using Authorizer to evaluate it before you use it in a production environment. It includes instructions for installing the Authorizer server in local or standalone mode.

Install using source code


Project Setup

  1. Fork the authorizer repository (Skip this step if you have access to repo)
  2. Clone repo: git clone or use the forked url from step 1
  3. Change directory to authorizer: cd authorizer
  4. Create Env file cp .env.sample .env. Check all the supported env here
  5. Build Dashboard make build-dashboard
  6. Build App make build-app
  7. Build Server make clean && make

    Note: if you don't have make, you can cd into server dir and build using the go build command. In that case you will have to build dashboard & app manually using npm run build on both dirs.

  8. Run binary ./build/server

Deploy Authorizer using binaries

Deploy / Try Authorizer using binaries. With each Authorizer Release binaries are baked with required deployment files and bundled. You can download a specific version of it for the following operating systems:

Download and unzip bundle

Note: For windows, we recommend running using docker image to run authorizer.

Step 3: Start Authorizer

Note: For mac users, you might have to give binary the permission to execute. Here is the command you can use to grant permission xattr -d build/server

Step 2: Setup Instance

Note: DATABASE_URL, DATABASE_TYPE and DATABASE_NAME are only configurable via platform envs

Things to consider


Integrating into your website

This example demonstrates how you can use @authorizerdev/authorizer-js CDN version and have login ready for your site in few seconds. You can also use the ES module version of @authorizerdev/authorizer-js or framework-specific versions like @authorizerdev/authorizer-react

Copy the following code in html file

Note: Change AUTHORIZER_URL in the below code with your authorizer URL. Also, you can change the logout button component

<script src=""></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
    const authorizerRef = new authorizerdev.Authorizer({
        redirectURL: window.location.origin,
        clientID: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID', // obtain your client id from authorizer dashboard

    // use the button selector as per your application
    const logoutBtn = document.getElementById('logout');
    logoutBtn.addEventListener('click', async function () {
        await authorizerRef.logout();
        window.location.href = '/';

    async function onLoad() {
        const res = await authorizerRef.authorize({
            response_type: 'code',
            use_refresh_token: false,
        if (res && res.access_token) {
            // you can use user information here, eg:
            const user = await authorizerRef.getProfile({
                Authorization: `Bearer ${res.access_token}`,
            const userSection = document.getElementById('user');
            const logoutSection = document.getElementById('logout-section');
            userSection.innerHTML = `Welcome, ${}`;

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