aws-robotics / aws-robomaker-small-warehouse-world

This Gazebo world is well suited for organizations who are building and testing robot applications for warehouse and logistics use cases.
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AWS RoboMaker Small Warehouse World


AWS Robomaker Small Warehouse World on Gzweb


This Gazebo world is well suited for organizations who are building and testing robot applications for warehouse and logistics use cases.

3D Models included in this Gazebo World

Model (/models) Picture
aws_robomaker_warehouse_Bucket_01 Model: Buckets
aws_robomaker_warehouse_ClutteringA_01, aws_robomaker_warehouse_ClutteringC_01, aws_robomaker_warehouse_ClutteringD_01 Model: Box Clusters
aws_robomaker_warehouse_DeskC_01 Model: Desk
aws_robomaker_warehouse_GroundB_01 Model: Ground Paint
aws_robomaker_warehouse_TrashCanC_01 Model: Humans
aws_robomaker_warehouse_Lamp_01 Model: Ceiling Lamp
aws_robomaker_warehouse_PalletJackB_01 Model: Pallet Jack
aws_robomaker_warehouse_ShelfD_01, aws_robomaker_warehouse_ShelfE_01, aws_robomaker_warehouse_ShelfF_01 Model: Pallet Jack

Building and Launching the Gazebo World with your ROS Applications

Example: Running this world directly in Gazebo without a ROS application

To open this world in Gazebo, change the directory to your ROS workspace root folder and run:

cd aws-robomaker-small-warehouse-world
export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=`pwd`/models
gazebo worlds/

Example: Running this world on Gazebo headless and running the UI on Gzweb

Tested in ROS Kinetic/Melodic, Gazebo 7/9 with node version 8.11.3/10.22.1

To open this world in Gzweb, There are two steps,

1) In a terminal, change to your ROS workspace root folder and run gzserver with the small warehouse world:

cd aws-robomaker-small-warehouse-world
export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=`pwd`/models
gzserver worlds/

2) In another terminal, setup and run GzWeb

Example: Running this world directly using ROS without a simulated robot

To launch this base Gazebo world without a robot, clone this repository and run the following commands. Note: ROS and gazebo must already be installed on the host.

# build for ROS
rosdep install --from-paths . --ignore-src -r -y
colcon build

# run in ROS
source install/
roslaunch aws_robomaker_small_warehouse_world view_small_warehouse.launch

Visit the AWS RoboMaker website to learn more about building intelligent robotic applications with Amazon Web Services.
