ayan4m1 / minestat-es

Minecraft server status library for Node.js
MIT License
8 stars 0 forks source link
library minecraft nodejs typescript


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by address/port

To query a Minecraft server using an IP/hostname and a port, use:

import { fetchServerInfo } from 'minestat-es';

  address: '',
  port: 25565,
  timeout: 1000

by hostname

To perform an SRV record lookup and query a Minecraft server using only a hostname, use:

import { fetchServerInfo } from 'minestat-es';

// makes an SRV lookup for _minecraft._tcp.example.com
  hostname: 'example.com',
  timeout: 1000

query protocols

This library supports two methods of querying the server. The legacy protocol works with any Minecraft server. The modern protocol is only compatible with Minecraft v1.6 and higher. The default protocol is the legacy protocol.

To specify the modern protocol, pass it as the protocol option:

import { fetchServerInfo, QueryProtocols } from 'minestat-es';

  hostname: 'example.com',
  protocol: QueryProtocols.Modern

Regardless of the way it was invoked, fetchServerInfo returns a promise which will resolve with an object containing the following properties:

Key Type Description
online boolean Whether the server is online or not

If the server is offline, the object will also contain the properties:

Key Type Description
error Error A communications or validation error, if one occurred

If the server is online, the object will also contain the following properties:

Key Type Description
version string The server's version string
motd string The server's Message of the Day
players number The number of players on the server
maxPlayers number The maximum number of players the server supports
playerInfo object[] An aray of { id, name } objects for each connected player

NOTE: playerInfo is only populated if the server chooses to do so.

fetchServerInfo rejects if an error occurs during SRV record resolution.


import { fetchServerInfo } from 'minestat-es';

(async () => {
  try {
    // query by hostname (SRV lookup)
    // _minecraft._tcp. will be prepended unless you supply it
    const { online, error, players } = await fetchServerInfo({
      hostname: 'mc.example.com'

    // OR

    // query by address/port
    const { online, error, players } = await fetchServerInfo({
      address: 'example.com', // could also be an IP address
      port: 25565

    // interpret the results
    console.log(`Server is ${online ? 'Online' : 'Offline'}`);
    if (online) {
      console.log(`There are ${players} player(s) online.`);
    } else if (error) {
      // either the SRV record failed to resolve, a socket error occurred,
      // or the response from the server was invalid
  } catch (error) {
    // an unexpected error occurred