ayedo / ktsgenerator

Gradle plugin to generate Typescript defintions from Kotlin classes
Apache License 2.0
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kotlin typescript typescript-definitions typescript-generator


This gradle plugin generates Typescript definitions from Kotlin classes.


Add the following to your build.gradle:

buildscript {

    repositories {
        maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

    dependencies {
        classpath "com.github.ntrrgc:ts-generator:1.1.1"

plugins {
      id 'ch.ayedo.ktsgenerator' version '2.1.0'


To configure the plugin you'll have to add a typescriptGenerator block to your build.gradle file.

For an example project please see section "Example Project".

Minimal Configuration

For a minimal configuration add the following to your build.gradle file:

typescriptGenerator {

  // The path to the resulting generated type defintions file
  outputPath = project.projectDir.toPath().resolve("src/typings/typings.d.ts") // required, this is an example

  // The classpath to scan for classes to convert to typescript defintions
  classPath = layout.files(getProject().sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath) // required, this is an example

  // Only Kotlin classes from this package will be considered for generation
  packageName = "com.example.backend" // required, this is an example


Filtering Classes by Postfix

You can further filter the classes in the stated package name by a postfix:

postfixFilters = ["OP", "IP"] // optional, the default is []

In this example, only classes which end in "OP", or "IP" will be included.

Custom Type Mappings

You can configure how the Kotlin/Java types should be mapped onto Typescript types

typeMappings = [
    "java.time.LocalDateTime": 'Moment',
    "java.time.LocalDate"    : 'DateMoment',
    "java.time.LocalTime"    : 'TimeMoment',
    "java.util.UUID"         : 'string',
    "java.net.URL"           : 'string',
    "java.math.BigDecimal"   : 'BigNumber'] // optional, the default is [] 

In this example every field of type java.time.LocalDateTime in the Kotlin class will be translated to a field of type Moment in typescript. The other mappings follow analogously.


The result of this generator plugin is a single typescript definitions file. If you use non-standard types in your type mappings, they might require import statements at the top of the resulting file. You can add them like so:

imports = ["import { Moment } from 'moment';",
         "import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';"] // optional, the default is []

Void Type

You can decide what should be generated for the void type:

// Options: 'NULL', or 'UNDEFINED'
voidType = "UNDEFINED" // optional, this is the default

Int Type

You can configure which type to use for the int type:

intTypeName = "number" // optional, this is the default

Example Project

Click here to see an example project.


The plugins adds a task named generateTypescriptDefinitions to your build.

Use it to generate the typescript definitions file:

./gradlew generateTypescriptDefinitions


This plugin uses ts-generator.