React.js Typescript application starter
Usage: create fast prototypes, solve test tasks.
- You can write Typescript or Javascript code with the latest JS features.
- Babel is used for Typescript transpilation. Typescript compiler is used for the type checking only.
- ESLint for linting Typescript and Javascript code.
- Auto code formatting with Prettier.
- Fully controllable build process with Webpack (v5). There are the development, production configs. The common part is in the common config.
- Webpack dev server with hot reloading
- Production optimized build
- Client-side routing (react-router v6)
- Material UI toolkit (v5)
- "api" sub-dir contains code for working with a backend. Axios is used.
- Login and Main page skeletons. Dummy implementation for handling the authentication has already been added.
- Jest configured. Tests can be written in Typescript.
- Storybook configured.
Webpack Vs Vite
This starter uses Webpack. So, the dev server starts slowly compared to Vite.
The same is true also for code changes and live-reloading.
If you'd like to try the same starter, but with Vite, see the following link:
Quick start
First install dependencies:
npm install
To run in the development mode with hot module reloading:
npm start
That command opens http://localhost:4000 page in your browser.
To create a production build:
npm run build
See "build" folder for results.