bencoveney / ts-react-boilerplate

Boilerplate project configuration using TypeScript, Webpack, React and including linting.
MIT License
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boilerplate react typescript webpack


CircleCI Greenkeeper badge

A boilerplate configuration for web applications with TypeScript, React and WebPack.


This project aims to simplify the process of getting up-and-running with a complete base configuration to build upon.

With many boilerplate projects there will be a lot of configuration files and dependencies and it can be difficult to work out why things are included and what can be changed. ts-react-boilerplate aims to have readable, documented configuration files to help modifications be made in then future.

Rather than installing the boilerplate project using a CLI tool or NPM package we recommend you pull/merge the git repository into a branch in your project. This allows you to:

See "Usage - Install" for instructions.


Requires node circleci/node:6.13 and compiles to the TypeScript es6 target by default.

React and TypeScript

The project includes TypeScript compilation which can be configured in tsconfig.json.

All webpack configuration files are also written in TypeScript.


A complete up-to-date webpack configuration is included with:

Relevant information (for example the project name) is loaded from the package.json file and used throughout.

Webpack output goes to the docs/ directory by default for easy integration with GitHub Pages for static sites.

The file .babelrc supports hot module reloading (using react-hot-loader).

Express Server

An express web-server is defined in server/index.ts which will serve the docs directory as a static site.

When developing this file incorporates webpack's hot module reloading.

If you need a server in production for funcionality like database access then you can extend the script as required. Even if your application is static, many app platforms will require a web-server component to host the files for users.


TypeScript code is linted using the recommended tslint ruleset as well as the tslint-react rules. This is configured in tslint.json and generally uses the default rule-set, with a couple of exceptions:

Markdown linting is included and can be configured in mdlint.json.


CSS can be structured as CSS modules, with typings files automatically generated.

The following libraries are also included during the webpack build:

Unit Tests

Unit tests are run using Karma which is configured in karma.conf.ts. By default tests are executed in Chrome. webpack.karma.ts is a webpack configuration file specifically for running tests.

Any files in the client repository named *.test.ts or *.test.tsx will be included in test execution. The Jasmine test framework with Enzyme extensions (for React testing) are included for writing tests.

Coverage is tracked and can be viewed by opening coverage/index.html in your web browser. Any files without test in the name will have coverage generated.


General text editor settings are included in .editorconfig and reflect linter rules.


.vscode/settings.json has some additional configuration options defined and .vscode/extensions.json recommends the following extensions:


Configuration for CircleCI (v2) is included in .circleci/config.yml to support this project. If you need CI it is straightforward to set up and free for open source projects. The config file specified the node version and test command.

Greenkeeper is used to keep this project's dependencies up to date. We have some additional content in package.json to work around this issue.




To set up the boilerplate in your project:

  1. You need a git repository. Create a new one or open an existing one.
  2. If you are creating a new project you may want to commit an initial package.json using npm init
  3. Start a branch using git checkout -b boilerplate
  4. Pull the boilerplate project's master branch into your current one: git pull --allow-unrelated-histories master
  5. Resolve any conflicts - for example combining conflicting dependencies in package.json.
  6. npm install to get the dependencies.
  7. npm test to conform everything is working.
  8. You may wish to squash the merge commit to avoid boilerplate project entries appearing in the commit log.


To get updates to dependencies and configuration files:

  1. Start a branch using git checkout -b boilerplate
  2. Pull the boilerplate project's master branch into your current one: git pull --allow-unrelated-histories master
  3. Resolve any conflicts - for example combining conflicting dependencies in package.json.
  4. npm install to get the dependencies.
  5. npm test to conform everything is working.
  6. You may wish to squash the merge commit to avoid boilerplate project entries appearing in the commit log.


We are using a pre-release version of awesome-typescript-loader to get a fix for deprecation warnings.

We are using a specific version of @types/source-map to fix issues in webpack compilation.