biomystery / atacCNV

A tool to call CNV (Copy Number Variation) from bulk ATAC-Seq data
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atac-seq bioinformatics cnv


Call Copy Number Variation from ATAC-seq data.


export PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)

List of files

Typical Steps:

  1. Get output from pipleine: tagAlign, peaks (openning regions).
  2. (optional) Run get fragments bed, bdg and bw
  3. Run to filter out reads or frags in peak regions and get background frags.
  4. Run to get average coverage in each window for both control or treatment. It will reorder the bed file, so that the it cannot preserve the pair info if input is in tagAlign format. Please covert to fragment bed first.
  5. Run callCNV.R to get CNV regions, segment plots

Call Wrapper: