bjtrounson / BlazorLeafletInterop

.NET 7 Blazor WASM Interop for Leaflet
8 stars 1 forks source link
blazor blazor-webassembly interop leaflet leafletjs mapping maps net7

# Blazor Leaflet Interop It is a work in progress and only supports parts of the Leaflet API. \ This project is a component based wrapper around the Leaflet API, but some components can be used outside of RenderTree.

Implemented Components


Install the package from NuGet

dotnet add package BlazorLeaflet
Install-Package BlazorLeafletInterop

Add the latest leaflet version to your index.html

<!-- ...index.html -->
<script src=""></script>

Add this service to your Program.cs

// ...Program.cs


To make a simple map use the following code

<Map MapOptions="Options">
    <TileLayer UrlTemplate="{z}/{x}/{y}.png" />

@code {
    private MapOptions Options = new MapOptions() {
        Center = new LatLng(51.505, -0.09),
        Zoom = 13

Marker Usage

<Map MapOptions="Options">
    <TileLayer UrlTemplate="{z}/{x}/{y}.png" />
    <Marker LatLng="new LatLng(51.5, -0.0.9)"></Marker>

@code {
    private MapOptions Options = new MapOptions() {
        Center = new LatLng(51.505, -0.09),
        Zoom = 13

Popup Usage

<Map MapOptions="Options">
    <TileLayer UrlTemplate="{z}/{x}/{y}.png" />
    <Marker LatLng="new LatLng(51.5, -0.0.9)">
            <b>Hello world!</b><br>
            I am a popup

@code {
    private MapOptions Options = new MapOptions() {
        Center = new LatLng(51.505, -0.09),
        Zoom = 13

Accessing Leaflet Method's

<Map MapOptions="Options">
    <TileLayer UrlTemplate="{z}/{x}/{y}.png" />
    <Marker @ref="MarkerRef" LatLng="new LatLng(51.5, -0.0.9)">
            <b>Hello world!</b><br>
            I am a popup

@code {
    // Creating a reference to the component,
    // gives you access to the Leaflet methods for that class.
    private Marker? MarkerRef;
    private MapOptions Options = new MapOptions() {
        Center = new LatLng(51.505, -0.09),
        Zoom = 13

    protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender) 
        if (MarkerRef is not null) await MarkerRef.OpenPopup();


If you want to contribute to this project, feel free to do so. Just fork the project and create a pull request.