:cloud: Try the SaaS app
:snowflake: View the Gapps site
Gapps is an Security compliance platform that makes it easy to track your progress against various security frameworks. Gapps is currently in Alpha mode - while it works great, there may be some breaking changes as it evolves. Please do not use this in production.... yet!.
Control Dashboard |
Project Overview |
Track Progress of Controls |
The following instructions are to get you started very quickly. The image will be pulled from Docker Hub
$ git clone https://github.com/bmarsh9/gapps.git; cd gapps
$ docker-compose up -d
The server should be running on http://<your-ip>:5000
The default email/password is admin@example.com:admin
Next, create a Tenant and a Project with you desired framework (e.g. SOC2). Based on the selected criteria, controls and policies will be automatically added to your project. Start exploring your project!
You can setup email (for sending user invites) as well by setting the following environment variables (docker-compose file or elsewhere)
MAIL_SERVER : default ‘localhost’
MAIL_PORT : default 25
MAIL_USERNAME : default None
MAIL_PASSWORD : default None
MAIL_USE_TLS : default False
MAIL_USE_SSL : default False
MAIL_DEBUG : default app.debug
MAIL_MAX_EMAILS : default None
MAIL_SUPPRESS_SEND : default app.testing
Set your ENV instance hostname so that invites and emails will have the correct URL. The forward slash at the end of the URL is required!
[INFO] Checking if we can connect to the database server: postgresql://db1:db1@localhost/db1
[ERROR] could not connect to server: Connection refused
Is the server running on host "localhost" ( and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
could not connect to server: Cannot assign requested address
Is the server running on host "localhost" (::1) and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
Can usually be fixed by unsetting two variables if running within docker. If you want to use a external database, see the next FAQ
The value db1
is the default value for the username, database and password. If you would like to change it, update db1
with the respective values and postgres
for the host.
export SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI="postgresql://db1:db1@postgres/db1"
When starting Gapps for the first time, it will automatically create the database models. If you want to reset the data (e.g. delete all data), you can set the RESET_DB
env variable such as export RESET_DB=yes
Sometimes you may want to run Gapps outside of Docker. You can do this by starting the Postgres container and then starting Gapps in the foreground.
docker-compose up -d postgres
export POSTGRES_HOST=${POSTGRES_HOST:-localhost}
export SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI="postgresql://db1:db1@localhost/db1"
export FLASK_CONFIG=development;bash run.sh
docker compose up
docker exec -e ONESHOT=yes gapps env
docker exec -e INIT_MIGRATE=yes -e MIGRATE=yes -e ONESHOT=yes gapps bash run.sh
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it gapps bash
python3 manage.py db migrate
python3 manage.py db stamp head
python3 manage.py db upgrade
Warning - this will delete all data in the database!
docker exec -it gapps bash
python3 tools/check_db_connection.py
python3 tools/check_db_models.py
python3 manage.py init_db
1.) Edit docker-compose.yml
file with the desired version from Docker Hub. Anywhere you see the old version in the compose file (should be 4 instances), update it with the desired version. (e.g. bmarsh13/gapps:3.3.9 -> bmarsh13/gapps:3.4.0)
2.) docker-compose up -d
3.) Perform database migration if neccesary
You can always create a new Framework and controls within the UI - but this would take a long time. Instead, you can load a JSON file into Gapps.
The format consists of controls and subcontrols. The snippet below shows an example of a control having one (1) subcontrol however you can add as many as you like. It is not a requirement to have subcontrols for a control (you can have zero). However it may make sense if you want to break down a control into specific actions that are trackable. Let's take the CIS 18 framework as an example. You could place all 18 "domains" as controls and the controls within each domain would be a subcontrol within Gapps.
"name": "Limit information system access to authorized users, processes acting on behalf of authorized users or",
"description": "Maintain list of authorized users defining their identity and associated role and sync with sys",
"guidance": "List approved users, services, and devices, and have logical controls in place to prevent unauthor",
"ref_code": "AC.L1-3.1.1",
"system_level": false,
"subcategory": "Identity & Access Management (IAM)",
"category": "Access Control",
"dti": "easy",
"dtc": "easy",
"meta": {},
"subcontrols": [
"ref_code": "3.1.1.a",
"name": "Authorized users are identified.",
"description": "Authorized users are identified.",
"meta": {},
"tasks": [
"title": "title of the task",
"description": "description of the task"
Next, save the above JSON format into a file (such as my_framework.json
but it must end with .json
). The name of your framework will be taken from the filename when Gapps loads it (my_framework
in this case). Save the file in the app/files/base_controls/
directory. You can also change the load directory by setting the FRAMEWORK_FOLDER
env variable. Once your new framework is saved to a file and sitting in the framework directory, you can go ahead and create a new Tenant within the UI. Gapps will load your framework automatically. If you want to add a framework to a existing Tenant, go to the "Tenants" page, edit the Tenant and click the "Reload Frameworks" button.
docker build -t gapps:3.4.3 .
docker tag gapps:3.4.3 bmarsh13/gapps:3.4.3
docker push bmarsh13/gapps:3.4.3
You can generate an API token by viewing the following route in your browsers
# Create token that expires in 15 minutes
# Create token that expires in 30 seconds
# Create token that never expires
And here is how you use the token to authenticate (curl as an example)
curl <gapps-host>/api/v1/tenants -H "token: $TOKEN"