briankendall / vscode-indent-to-bracket

Extension for VS Code that adds "indent to bracket" behavior available in Sublime Text and other editors
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VS Code extension for indenting to open brackets

This is a minimal extension for VS Code that implements automatic indentation to the last open bracket / parenthesis. This is essentially the same feature as the indent_to_bracket setting in Sublime Text, except that it works with most brackets, including square, and curly brackets. (Currently angle brackets are not supported.)

Basically, when you type enter to create a new line, it automatically indents your code like this:

variable = someMannerOfFunction(argument1,
                                (someNumber +
someData = {'key': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
                    9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14],
            'anotherKey': {'what': 'huh?',
                           'who': 'wha?',
                           'where': 'guh?'},
            'lastKey': ('This is a string that ' \
                        'goes on too long to ' \
                        'easily fit on one line ' \
                        'if you're using some ' \
                        'weird terminal that ' \
                        'only has 52 columns ' \
                        'for some reason')

If any line ends with an open bracket of some sort, though, it still falls back on the default behavior for your current language. So it won't interfere with things like if statements or declaring functions with curly braces, and doing something like this still works:

variable = someOtherFunction(

Extension Settings

This extension currently has no settings, and will affect all languages and document types. If this is an issue for you, feel free to request me adding some sort of setting like a whitelist or blacklist for particular file extensions.

Release Notes



Initial release