bv7dev / wgpu-lab

Library for rapid prototyping of native WebGPU Apps in C++ using Dawn
MIT License
17 stars 1 forks source link
cpp20 glfw3 graphics-programming library rapid-prototyping webgpu wgsl-shader

WebGPU Lab

wgpu-lab is a library designed for rapid prototyping of native WebGPU applications in C++. Its main goal is to provide convenient wrappers and intuitive tools for working with WebGPU Dawn, minimizing boilerplate code while remaining flexible and customizable.

I’m developing this library in my free time as I learn the fundamentals of WebGPU. My hope is that it will serve the open source community as a useful resource for learning and as a foundation for building creative projects.

Please note that wgpu-lab is in an early, heavily experimental stage, and the API is likely to undergo significant changes.

Contributions are welcome!

Simple Usage Sample

#include <lab>

struct MyVertexFormat {
  float pos[2];
  float color[3];

int main() {
  lab::Webgpu webgpu("My WebGPU Context");
  lab::Shader shader("My Shader", "shaders/draw_colored.wgsl");
  lab::Pipeline pipeline(shader, webgpu);

  std::vector<MyVertexFormat> vertex_data = {
      //         X      Y                R     G     B
      {.pos = {-0.5f, -0.5f}, .color = {0.8f, 0.2f, 0.2f}},
      {.pos = {+0.5f, -0.5f}, .color = {0.8f, 0.8f, 0.2f}},
      {.pos = {+0.0f, +0.5f}, .color = {0.2f, 0.8f, 0.4f}},
  lab::Buffer vertex_buffer("My Vertex Buffer", vertex_data, webgpu);

  pipeline.add_vertex_attrib(wgpu::VertexFormat::Float32x2, 0); // position
  pipeline.add_vertex_attrib(wgpu::VertexFormat::Float32x3, 1); // color

  lab::Window window("Hello Triangle", 640, 400);
  lab::Surface surface(window, webgpu);

  while (lab::tick()) {
    pipeline.render_frame(surface, 3, 1);

Build and Run Samples (WIP)

I don't know much about how to setup a proper build system for libraries yet. I'm hoping for some people more knowledgable about CMake to help me with setting it up.

I intended wgpu-lab to be included into projects as a Git submodule. The goal for the build system is to work out of the box on windows, linux and mac.

First Steps:

  1. clone this repo
  2. create a libs/ directory inside it
  3. clone dawn into the libs/ dir
  4. switch dawn to branch chromium/6670
  5. clone GLM and tinygltf into libs to be able to build the sample executables
  6. after first successful build, copy webgpu_dawn.dll from dawn's build directory into wgpu-lab/build/ to be able to run the exes.

I recommend using the CMake Tools extension for Visual Studio Code by Microsoft to easily build the project.

For VS Code users, there's a shared .vscode/launch.json configuration file inside this repository. This setup allows you to build and run any .cpp file located in the ./samples directory simply by opening it in the editor and pressing F5.


The library currently only depends on WebGPU Dawn and uses GLFW for windowing, which already comes included with dawn. It also makes heavy use of the C++ STL (see ./src/extra/lab_public.h). However, to build all of the sample executables, you'll also need to add GLM and tinygltf to the ./libs directory. Lastly, Python needs to be installed so that dawn can fetch it's many dependencies (Tested with Python 3.10)

Additional Info
