camel-cdr / rvv-bench

A collection of RISC-V Vector (RVV) benchmarks to help developers write portably performant RVV code
MIT License
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benchmark risc-v rvv

RISC-V Vector benchmark

A collection of RISC-V Vector (RVV) benchmarks to help developers write portably performant RVV code.

Benchmark results can be found at:

Benchmarks (./bench/)

Contains a bunch of benchmark of different implementations of certain algorithms.

RVV code is currently only written in assembly, and uses ./thirdparty/rvv-rollback.S to support XTheadVector and RVV 1.0.

Note: The support XTheadVector hasn't been tested in some time, and will be depricated soon.

Instruction cycle count (./instructions/)

Measures the cycle count of RVV instructions by unrolling and looping over the given instruction repeatedly.

Getting started

Start by configuring ./, such that make works and optionally ./, which allows you to compile and run using make run.

The default configuration should work with all recent clang builds and doesn't require a full cross compilation toolchain, because it builds in freestanding mode. This means it will only work on linux, or linux syscall compatible OS. Alternatively you can configure ./ to build a hosted build or configure it with your custom toolchain, add the -DCUSTOM_HOST define, and implement the unimplemented functions under #ifdef CUSTOM_HOST in ./nolibc.h. Add the -DREAD_MCYCLE define, if you need to read from the mcycle instead of the cycle csr.

If you have a XTheadVector supporting board, make sure to the rvv 0.7.1 compatible toolchain. I've used this one for development.

Enable user level performance counter access

If you want to run the benchmarks on real hardware and are on linux kernel version version v6.5-rc1 or newer enable the sysctl perf_user_access (see this article), to allow the benchmarks to access the performance counters directly.

On older kernel versions, you may need to add the -DENABLE_RDCYCLE_HACK define to attempt to gain user space access via the perf_event_open syscall.

If that doesn't work, another option is to build the kernel without the PMU enabled by disabeling CONFIG_RISCV_PMU.

Running benchmarks (./bench/)

To run the benchmarks, first look through (./bench/config.h) and adjust it to your processor (e.g. set HAS_E64). If it takes too long to execute, try lowering MAX_MEM, which is used to scale the benchmark, and play around with the other constants until it executes in a reasonable amount of time and gives a relatively smooth graph.

Now you can just run the benchmarks using make run in the (./bench/) directory, or make to just build the executables.

Measuring cycle count (./instructions/)

To run the cycle count measurement, first configure instructions/rvv-1.0/config.h to your processor.

Now you can run the measurement using make run in the (./instructions/rvv-1.0/) directory, or make to just build the executables.

For RVV 0.7.1 use the (./instructions/thead-0.7.1/) directory instead.


Here are some suggestions of things that still need to be done.


This repository is licensed under the MIT LICENSE.