cat-in-136 / ws2812-esp32-rmt-driver

WS2812 driver using ESP32 RMT for Rust
MIT License
40 stars 22 forks source link
embedded esp32 neopixel rust-library


A rust driver library to control WS2812B (NeoPixel) RGB LED pixels/strips using ESP32 RMT (Remote Control) module.

Rust ws2812-esp32-rmt-driver at API

By disabling the carrier generator of the RMT's transmitter , it can be used as just a PWM signal generator for WS2812B data signal. This control way is the same as major Arduino/C++ library such as FastLED, Adafruit_NeoPixel.

The RMT (Remote Control) module is specific to ESP32. Hence, it can be used only for ESP32 SoC.

This library also support SK6812-RGBW 4-color LED pixels/strips (smart-leds API only).


Install rust with Xtensa support. Refer esp-rs/rust-build for the setup instruction.

Add following dependency to your Cargo.toml. Note that version is stripped in this example but it is recommended to specify version explicitly in your project.

esp-idf-sys = { version = "*", features = ["binstart"] }
esp-idf-hal = "*"
smart-leds = "*"

ws2812-esp32-rmt-driver = { version = "*", features = ["smart-leds-trait"] }

embuild = "*"
anyhow = "1"

Refer examples/ directory for the source code.

Make ensure esp toolchain is available and xtensa-esp32-elf-clang is in your $PATH. And then, run as follows

$ cargo build
$ cargo espflash


Features Default Description
embedded_graphics_core embedded-graphics API ws2812_esp32_rmt_driver::lib_embedded_graphics
smart-leds-trait smart-leds API ws2812_esp32_rmt_driver::lib_smart_leds
std x use standard library std
alloc x use memory allocator (heap)

Some examples:


To use no_std, disable default feature. Then, std feature is disabled and this library get compatible with no_std.

Some examples:

When using the memory allocator (heap), enable the alloc feature. In this case, most processing works in the same way as std. When not using the memory allocator (heap), leave the alloc feature disabled. In this case, some APIs cannot be used and processing must be changed. For example, in the embedded-graphics API, the pixel data storage must be prepared by the programmer using heapless Vec-like struct such as heapless::Vec<u8, X>.

This library is intended for use with espidf. For bare-metal environments (i.e. use with esp-hal), use the espressif official crate esp-hal-smartled.


To run the test locally, specify the local toolchain (stable, nightly, etc...) and target explicitly and disable example builds (specify --lib) .

$ cargo +stable test --target x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu --lib