A framework for identifying hype. Maybe someday. :smile:
For now: yet another GoldSrc parser, built with fp-ts, and some utilities built on top of it!
Name | Description | On npm? |
@cgdangelo/talent-jsonify-demo | Runs the demo parser and logs to console. | ✅ |
@cgdangelo/talent-demo-renamer | Renames a list of demo files to YYYY-MM-DD_HHMM_{map}.dem . |
@cgdangelo/talent-example-demo-analyzer | Example of a real-time demo analysis application using the demo parser event bus. |
Name | Description | On npm? |
@cgdangelo/talent-parser-goldsrc | Parser combinators for a GoldSrc demo file. | ✅ |
@cgdangelo/talent-parser-bitbuffer | Parser combinators for bit-packed fields. | ✅ |
@cgdangelo/talent-parser-buffer | Parser combinators for a Buffer. | ✅ |
@cgdangelo/talent-parser | General use parser combinators. | ✅ |
@cgdangelo/talent-observable | fp-ts bindings for rxjs observables. |
Demos can be parsed in their entirety. This includes all frame types, and all SVC_
engine messages contained with a NetworkMessages
frame. User message parsing is limited to returning the message id, name, and raw data. Since the data in a message can vary between mods (e.g., DeathMsg) these parsers may have to reside in mod-specific packages.
The original goal of this project was to create a GoldSrc demo parser that could translate in-game events into readable data structures and emit them through observables for analysis. In particular, the ability to identify "hype" moments through some set of heuristics, such as:
This is a monorepo managed by Rush. You will need the Rush tool to continue:
npm install -g @microsoft/rush
git clone https://github.com/cgdangelo/talent.git
cd talent
rush update
rush build
node ./apps/<name-of-app>/lib/index.js [app params]
An automation framework for Super Smash Bros. Melee.
The SSBM version of this tool that provided much of my initial inspiration.
Half-Life demo format parser using nom.
This was the most comprehensive (and readable) source of demo format information that I found and was a great starting point. It also heavily inspired me to refactor the original mess I had into parser combinators (Parser combinators (#1)).
compLexity Demo Player is the official Counter-Strike demo player of compLexity Gaming.
Lots of helpful examples of handling edge cases, minor differences in demo file formats, conversion and repair strategies, etc.
Half-Life in WebGL.
Probably the best source of frame data information.
Straightforward source of frame data information re: engine messages. Often includes some much needed context alongside the actual structure.