chrisgrieser / alfred-bibtex-citation-picker

Citation picker & lightweight reference manager for BibTeX files, via Alfred.
MIT License
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academic-writing alfred-workflow bibtex-references citation-picker citations eta-template-engine latex multi-markdown org-mode pandoc pandoc-markdown reference-management reference-manager

Supercharged Citation Picker

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A citation picker and lightweight reference manager for Alfred. Uses BibTeX Files and supports Pandoc Markdown, Multi-Markdown, LaTeX, Org Mode, any various more formats.


Feature Overview

Core Features

Advanced Features

Table of Contents


  1. Download the latest release.
  2. Enter the BibTeX Library path.
  3. Use the citation picker via the Alfred keyword ct, or set a hotkey for the citation picker by double-clicking the respective field in the workflow window.

Basic Usage

Press the hotkey in any text field to start the citation picker. Alternatively, use the ct keyword.


Citation Actions

URL Actions

Icon Meanings

Icon Entry has
🌐 URL or DOI
📄 Abstract
n 🏷 n Keywords
📓 Literature Note
2️⃣ entry is from 2nd library
📎 entry has attachment

Changing the Citation Format

Available Formats

You can use the scp and select Change Citation Format to change the format of the citations:

[!NOTE] Not all formats support all citation-related features. For example, adding Page numbers as well as inline-citations are not supported for Latex, Wikilinks, and Tags.

Other Format Customizations

If you want to use a format that is not available, you can customize the format yourself by changing the workflow environment variables starting with _format. (Tutorial: How to set environment variables in Alfred)

If there is a citation syntax that is commonly used, or if you want to improve support for an existing format, feel free to open a Feature Request.

You can also make a PR to this file which defines the citation formats.

Advanced Usage

Bibliography Actions

Add New Entries

[!NOTE] Adding or removing entries does not work with the BetterBibTeX Zotero Plugin since the plugin only does a one-way-sync (Zotero ➞ BibTeX file), meaning any changes to the .bib file are not reflected in Zotero.

Literature Note Actions

PDF Management Actions

The following features require that all your PDFs are located in the folder specified in your workflow settings.

Link Preview

Auxiliary Features

Triggered via the Alfred Keyword scp (mnemonic: Supercharged Citation Picker).

Cite this software project

If you want to mention this software project in an academic publication, please cite it as:

Grieser, C. (2023). Supercharged Citation Picker [Computer software].

For other citation styles, use the following metadata:

About the Developer

In my day job, I am a sociologist studying the social mechanisms underlying the digital economy. For my PhD project, I investigate the governance of the app economy and how software ecosystems manage the tension between innovation and compatibility. If you are interested in this subject, feel free to get in touch.

For bug reports and features requests, please use the GitHub issue tracker.


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Icons created by Freepik (Flaticon)

[^2]: Hyper is an artificial "fifth" modifier key equal to ⌘⌥⌃⇧, and can be created using apps like Karabiner Elements, BetterTouchTool, or Hyperkey.