With electricity prices going crazy in Sweden this program lets you control your Telldus Live-connected smart plugs by the hourly electric price rate. This program is made for Swedish prices in SEK but feel free to modify it for other currencies.
Prices are fetched from the API at https://www.elprisetjustnu.se
To connect to the TellStick you will need an access token. Instructions to create one can be found here: https://tellstick-server.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/authentication.html
Place the token in setting.ini under AUTH in the format "Bearer tokenxxx..."
Here you will find all the default settings to be loadaded at startup. Check it out before running the program for the first time.
Here you can test the connection settings and manually control the devices. Selecting a smart plug in the drop down list and clicking "Add" will add the device to the list of price-controlled devices.
Simply a list of the added devices that will be triggered by the change in rate.
A list of the prices fetched from the API. Green color means devices will be switched On on those hours. The list is only fetched once and stored in the folder /log. If any problems occur with the list, delete the corresponding file in the log folder.
Here you can put a custom command to be triggered together with the devices, or alone if no devices are added. For example you can run a custom script that notifies you on state changes. This entry is not parsed or evaluated, only executed blindly.