clairBuoyant / web

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clairBuoyant – Web


Scripts are provided to support the development experience. For best results, please run these commands from the project's root folder.

System Dependencies

Install the following required dependencies before proceeding further.



Getting Started

For your initial setup (or if you just want to make sure you remain in sync during development), run npm run init in your terminal to get started like so:

# executes scripts/bootstrap and scripts/setup.
npm run init

# start development server locally
npm run start

Alternatively, you may load script aliases to your current shell and execute them without npm like so:

Recommended usage:

# add scripts aliases to current shell.
. ./aliases

# executes scripts/bootstrap and scripts/setup.

# start development server locally

UI will be available at localhost:3000 when running app locally.

Working with npm

Some of npm's most frequently used commands are documented below:

  1. Install dependencies: npm install

  2. Run custom commands or scripts: npm run <command_name>

If you'd like to learn more about npm, check out this informative blog post.

Development with Docker

Go to devBuoyant for instructions.