cliffordfajardo / highlight-line-vscode

VScode Extension for Enhanced highlighting of the currently active line
MIT License
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code-highlight code-highlighter vscode vscode-extension vscode-plugin

Highlight Line VS Code

Enhanced highlighting of the currently active line in your text editor.


Multi-Tab Line Highlighting

Line highlighting is provided & preserved across multiple tabs, so it's easier to find where you left off in a tab.

Highlight Line VScode preview

Customizable Settings

Through the configuration options, you can edit appearance of your hilighted line and see the changes take effect immediately in your editor.

Highlight Line VScode customization preview

Highlight Line Settings
Name Description
highlightLine.borderColor Specifies the border color used & is changable to any valid CSS color value. For example here are a list of valid values: `'red'`, `'#FFF'` `'#FFFFFFF'`, `'RGB(255,255,255)'`, `'RGB(255, 255, 255. 0.5)'`
highlightLine.borderWidth Specifies the width of the border in pixels For example: `'2px'`
highlightLine.borderStyle Specifies the border style of the line. For example, here a a list of valid values: `solid`, `dashed`, `inset`, `double`, `groove`, `outset`, `ridge`

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