cnellington / Contextualized

An SKLearn-style toolbox for estimating and analyzing models, distributions, and functions with context-specific parameters.
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An SKLearn-style toolbox for estimating and analyzing models, distributions, and functions with context-specific parameters.

Context-specific parameters:

Most models can be contextualized. For example, linear regression is

Y = X\beta + \epsilon

Contextualized linear regression is

Y = X\beta(C) + \epsilon

where the coefficients $\beta$ are now a function of context $C$, allowing the model to adapt to context-specific changes. Contextualized implements this for many types of statistical models, including linear regression, logistic regression, Bayesian networks, correlation networks, and Markov networks.

For more details, see the Contextualized Machine Learning whitepaper.

Quick Start


pip install contextualized-ml

Take a look at the easy demo for a quickstart with sklearn-style wrappers.

Build a Contextualized Model

from contextualized.easy import ContextualizedRegressor
model = ContextualizedRegressor(), X, Y)

This builds a contextualized linear regression model by fitting a deep-learning model to generate context-specific coefficients $\beta(C)$.

Predict Context-Specific Parameters


See the docs for more examples.

Important links


If you use this software, please cite the software publication:

  doi = {10.21105/joss.06469},
  url = {},
  year = {2024},
  publisher = {The Open Journal},
  volume = {9},
  number = {97},
  pages = {6469},
  author = {Caleb N. Ellington and Benjamin J. Lengerich and Wesley Lo and Aaron Alvarez and Andrea Rubbi and Manolis Kellis and Eric P. Xing},
  title = {Contextualized: Heterogeneous Modeling Toolbox},
  journal = {Journal of Open Source Software}


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Thanks to all our contributors

Contextualized ML was originally implemented by Caleb Ellington (CMU) and Ben Lengerich (MIT).

Beyond code contributions, many people have helped. Check out!

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