covid19ABM / comma

An agent-based microsimulation model to study mental health outcomes during covid-19 lockdowns
Apache License 2.0
2 stars 1 forks source link
abm covid-19 python simulation

COMMA - COvid Mental-health Model with Agents

comma lets you run agent-based simulations to study mental health outcomes during covid-19 lockdowns.

Project status

Python package pages-build-deployment Docs Quality Gate Status github license badge OpenSSF Best Practices Coverage Code style: black


This project aims at understanding the full spectrum of impacts the lockdown policies had during the COVID-19 pandemic, specifically on non-COVID-19-related health outcomes, such as mental health. Although lockdowns reduced disease transmission and mortality, they also potentially exacerbated mental health issues. By using comma you can simulate real-world scenarios, and estimate/compare the effects of lockdown policies on the mental health of an a-priori defined population across time.

Table of contents



Install from source

We recommend installing comma in a virtual environment. For example, in conda:

conda create --name comma_env
conda activate comma_env

Then installing comma with pip by cloning the github repository locally:

git clone
cd comma
python -m pip install .

That's it! After following these steps, you should have comma installed in a dedicated virtual environment and be ready to use it.

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You can find a tutorial that demonstrates the usage of comma in the /notebooks folder.

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comma is under free open source Apache License Version 2.0. This means that you're free to use, modify, and distribute this software, even for commercial applications.

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This is a project funded by the Netherlands eScience Center (Grant ID: NLESC.SSI.2022b.022) and awarded to Dr Kristina Thompson (Wageningen University) and developed in collaboration with the Netherlands eScience Center. More information on the Research Software Directory.


An agent-based simulation model to study mental health outcomes during covid-19 lockdowns