cqjjjzr / LCSELocalizationTools

Tools to translate Virtual Novels(Galgame)/TAVG written by LC-ScriptEngine.
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galgame lc-scriptengine localization reverse-engineering tavg translation visual-novel


Tools to translate Virtual Novels(Galgame)/TAVG written by LC-ScriptEngine.
一些翻译 LC-ScriptEngine 编写的 Galgame 的工具。

测试用游戏: Test game: 無限煉姦~淫辱にまみれし不死姫の輪舞~

(以下文档分中英文版) (Document below has both Chinese and English ver.)

Chinese ver.

LCSE Package Utility (LC-ScriptEngine资源包封包处理实用工具)

处理 LC-ScriptEngine 游戏封包(一个大文件带着一个.lst的清单文件)的工具。所有程序说明都是中文,下面是详细使用:



两个模式都必须指定 -l(--list) 参数提供 .lst 清单文件,-a(--package) 提供封包文件。你还可以指定一个可选的 -d(--out-dir) 参数来设置输出目录。

通过 -k (--key) 可以指定 .lst 文件的加密 key,而 -K (--key-snx) 可以指定 .snx 文件的 key。这两个参数的格式均为两位 16 进制数。

请总是使用 -h 指令查看最全面的参数列表!


-s --process-snx 处理SNX脚本
-p --process-png 处理PNG图片
-b --process-bmp 处理BMP图片
-w --process-wav 处理WAV音频
-o --process-ogg 处理OGG音频


使用解包模式你必须指定 -u(--unpack) 开关,且不能指定 -e(--patch-dir) 参数。


java -jar .\LCSEPackageUtility-rv1.jar --unpack --list lcsebody1.lst --package lcsebody1 -s -d "D:\mugen\extracted" --key 02

意味着解包 lcsebody1 封包文件,利用 lcsebody1.lst 清单文件,只解包SNX格式脚本,输出到 D:\mugen\extracted 目录。


使用封包模式你需要指定 -r(--patch) 开关,且必须指定 -e(--patch-dir) 来提供包含你希望用来替换掉原封包中文件的文件的文件夹。


java -jar .\LCSEPackageUtility-rv1.jar --patch --patch-dir "D:\mugen\patches" --list lcsebody1.lst --package lcsebody1 -s -d "D:\mugen\patched" --key 02

意味着利用原封包文件 lcsebody1 和清单 lcsebody1.lst,用 D:\mugen\patches 替换掉原封包中的同名文件,生成一个新的封包和对应清单到 D:\mugen\patched,且仅替换SNX格式脚本。

English ver.

LCSE Package Utility

A tool to process the package of LC-ScriptEngine games (a big file with a .lst file). All string written in Chiense, here's the English usage:

First, we have 2 modes, Unpack and Patch. Unpack is to extract files from the package to dedicated files. Patch is to replace files in the package, and then create a new archive (modify the original version of pkg is not recommended).

Common args

For both modes you need to specify the -l(--list) value to provide .lst file, the -a(--package) to provide package file. You can also specify a optional -d(--out-dir) value to set the out directory.

Use -k (--key) and -K (--key-snx) to specify encryption key for .lst and .snx files, respectively. The format is 2-digits hex number e.g. -k 0F.

Please always use -h to view the full arg list!

You need to choose the resource file type that you needed to process. Below is switches to decide that if process them or not.

-s --process-snx Process SNX Script.
-p --process-png Process PNG Picture.
-b --process-bmp Process BMP Pirture.
-w --process-wav Process WAV Audio.
-o --process-ogg Process OGG Audio.

Using Unpack Mode

To use the Unpack mode you need to specify -u(--unpack) switch, no -e(--patch-dir) allowed.


java -jar .\LCSEPackageUtility-rv1.jar --unpack --list lcsebody1.lst --package lcsebody1 -s -d "D:\mugen\extracted"

Means unpack the lcsebody1 package with lcsebody1.lst list file, extract SNX scripts only, to D:\mugen\extracted folder.

Using Patch Mode

To use the Patch mode you need to specify -r(--patch) switch, -e(--patch-dir) required to set a directory contains files you want to replace the files in the package.


java -jar .\LCSEPackageUtility-rv1.jar --patch --patch-dir "D:\mugen\patches" --list lcsebody1.lst --package lcsebody1 -s -d "D:\mugen\patched"

Means from the lcsebody1 package with lcsebody1.lst file, create a new package to D:\mugen\patched folder that some files in the original package is replaced with files in D:\mugen\patches folder.