crowdin / flutter-sdk

Crowdin Flutter SDK for instant translation delivery Over-The-Air directly to your application
MIT License
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android content-delivery flutter hacktoberfest internationalization ios localization mobile

# Crowdin Flutter SDK []( The Crowdin Flutter SDK delivers all new translations from Crowdin project to the application immediately. So there is no need to update the application via Store to get the new version with the localization.
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## Features - Load remote strings from Crowdin Over-The-Air Content Delivery Network - Built-in translations caching mechanism (enabled by default, can be disabled) - Network usage configuration (All, only Wi-Fi or Cellular) - Load static strings from the bundled ARB files (usable as a fallback for the CDN strings) - Real-Time Preview – all the translations that are done in the Editor can be shown in your version of the application in real-time. View the translations already made and the ones you're currently typing in. ## Requirements * Dart >=2.17.0 ## Setup To configure Flutter SDK integration you need to: - Upload your *.arb* localization files to Crowdin. If you have ready translations, you can also upload them. Alternatively, you can use the [Flutter .ARB String Exporter]( to export Flutter `.arb` from your Crowdin project strings. - Set up Distribution in Crowdin. - Set up SDK and enable Over-The-Air Content Delivery feature in your project. **Distribution** is a CDN vault that mirrors the translated content of your project and is required for integration with the Flutter app. To manage distributions, open the Crowdin project and go to the *Translations* > *Over-The-Air Content Delivery* section. You can create as many distributions as you need and select different files for each. You'll need to click the *Release* button next to the distribution each time you want to send new translations to the app. **To integrate SDK with your application you need to follow the step-by-step instructions:** - First of all, your Flutter project should be internationalized using the `flutter_localizations` package. For more detail, see [Setting up an internationalized app]( - Create a project in [Crowdin]( - Upload your `app_en.arb` file to the created Crowdin project. Optionally, you can also [Upload Existing Translations]( - [Set up a Distribution]( - Add the `crowdin_sdk` dependency to your project: ```yml dependencies: crowdin_sdk: ^0.6.3 flutter_localizations: sdk: flutter intl: any flutter: generate: true ``` - Run the following command to generate Crowdin localization: ```consloe flutter pub run crowdin_sdk:gen ``` As a result, the `Crowdin_localizations.dart` will be created in the `{FLUTTER_PROJECT}/.dart_tool/flutter_gen/gen_l10n` directory. - Update localizationsDelegates in your project: ```dart import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/app_localizations.dart'; import 'package:crowdin_sdk/crowdin_sdk.dart'; import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/crowdin_localizations.dart'; ``` ```dart @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp( // ... localizationsDelegates: CrowdinLocalization.localizationsDelegates, supportedLocales: AppLocalizations.supportedLocales, ), // ... ); } ``` - Initialize Crowdin SDK in the `main` function of your application: ```dart void main() async { WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized(); await Crowdin.init( distributionHash: 'distribution_hash', // Fill in with your distribution hash connectionType: InternetConnectionType.any, updatesInterval: const Duration(minutes: 15), ); // ... } ``` - Use the `Crowdin.loadTranslations` function to load translations from Crowdin for the specified locale: ```dart await Crowdin.loadTranslations(Locale('en')); ``` After receiving the translations, change the app locale as usual and the translations from Crowdin will be applied. ## Configuration | Config option | Description | |--------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `distributionHash` | Crowdin Distribution Hash | | `connectionType` | Network type to be used for translations download. Supported values are `any`, `wifi`, `mobileData`, `ethernet` | | `updatesInterval` | Translations update interval. Translations will not be updated more frequently than the designated time interval (default minimum is 15 minutes). Instead, it will use previously cached translations | ## Real-Time Preview All translations done in the Crowdin Editor can be displayed in your version of the application in real-time. See the translations that have already been done and the ones you're typing. > **Note:** Real-Time Preview feature should not be used in production builds. > Currently, this feature is available only for Android and iOS applications. ### Setup Add the following code to the Crowdin initialization: ```dart void main() async { WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized(); await Crowdin.init( distributionHash: 'distribution_hash', connectionType: InternetConnectionType.any, updatesInterval: const Duration(minutes: 15), withRealTimeUpdates: true, // use this parameter for enable/disable real-time preview functionality authConfigurations: CrowdinAuthConfig( clientId: 'clientId', // your clientId from Crowdin OAuth app clientSecret: 'clientSecret', // your client secret from Crowdin OAuth app redirectUri: 'redirectUri', // your redirect uri from Crowdin OAuth app organizationName: 'organizationName' // optional (only for Crowdin Enterprise) ), ); // ... } ``` Wrap your app root widget with the `CrowdinRealTimePreviewWidget`: ```dart @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return CrowdinRealTimePreviewWidget( child: MaterialApp( // ... localizationsDelegates: CrowdinLocalization.localizationsDelegates, supportedLocales: AppLocalizations.supportedLocales, ), // ... ); } } ``` For [OAuth App]( the redirect URL should match your app scheme. For example, for scheme ``, redirect URL in Crowdin should be `crowdintest://`. Specify `project.translation` scope for the OAuth app on Crowdin. For Android app, declare the following intent filter in `android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml`: ```xml ``` For iOS app, declare the scheme in `ios/Runner/Info.plist`: ```xml CFBundleURLTypes CFBundleURLSchemes [YOUR_SCHEME] ``` ### Config options | Config option | Description | |-----------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `withRealTimeUpdates` | Enable Real-Time Preview feature | | `authConfigurations` | `CrowdinAuthConfig` class that contains parameters for OAuth authorization | | `clientId` | Crowdin OAuth Client ID | | `clientSecret` | Crowdin OAuth Client Secret | | `redirectUri` | Crowdin OAuth redirect URL | | `organizationName` | An Organization domain name (for Crowdin Enterprise users only) | For more information about OAuth authorization in Crowdin, please check [this article]( > **Note:** To easily run your app in the Crowdin Editor, you can use [Crowdin Appetize integration]( It allows your translators to run this app in the Editor, see more context, and provide better translations. ## Notes - The CDN feature does not update the localization files. if you want to add new translations to the localization files you need to do it yourself. - Once SDK receives the translations, it's stored on the device as application files for further sessions to minimize requests the next time the app starts. Storage time can be configured. - CDN caches all the translations in release and even when new translations are released in Crowdin, CDN may return them with a delay. - Since some languages have different language codes maintained by the intl package and by Crowdin (for example, intl uses "es" for the Spanish language, and Crowdin uses "es-ES"). For the following intl language codes Crowdin SDK uses equivalent language codes: - Armenian - `hy`: `hy-AM` - Chinese Simplified - `zh`: `zh-CN` - Gujarati - `gu`: `gu-IN` - Nepali - `ne`: `ne-NP` - Portuguese - `pt`: `pt-PT` - Punjabi - `pa`: `pa-IN` - Sinhala - `si`: `si-LK` - Spanish - `es`: `es-ES` - Swedish - `sv`: `sv-SE` - Urdu (India) - `ur`: `ur-IN` ## Contributing If you would like to contribute, please read the [Contributing Guidelines]( ## Seeking Assistance If you find any problems or would like to suggest a feature, please feel free to submit an issue on GitHub at the [Issues Page]( ## Security Crowdin Flutter SDK CDN feature is built with security in mind, which means minimal access possible from the end-user is required. When you decide to use Crowdin Flutter SDK, please make sure you’ve made the following information accessible to your end-users. - We use the advantages of Amazon Web Services (AWS) for our computing infrastructure. AWS has ISO 27001 certification and has completed multiple SSAE 16 audits. All the translations are stored at AWS servers. - When you use Crowdin Flutter SDK CDN – translations are uploaded to Amazon CloudFront to be delivered to the app and speed up the download. Keep in mind that your users download translations without any additional authentication. - We use encryption to keep your data private while in transit. - We do not store any Personally Identifiable Information (PII) about the end-user, but you can decide to develop the opt-out option inside your application to make sure your users have full control. ## License
The Crowdin Flutter SDK is licensed under the MIT License.
See the LICENSE file distributed with this work for additional 
information regarding copyright ownership.

Except as contained in the LICENSE file, the name(s) of the above copyright 
holders shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, 
use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization.