A Home Assistant integration for Hayward OmniLogic/OmniHub pool controllers using the local UDP/XML api
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Your OmniLogic/OmniHub needs to have a static IP address configured, please consult the documentation for your network router for how to accomplish this.
The only parameter you should need to configure is the IP address.
The Scan Interval setting controls how often the controller is polled. Per home-assistant recommendations/requirements, the minimum value is 5.
This addon is not complete, initially I am implementing all functionality for the equipment that I have. If you have equipmment or functionality that is not supported in the addon, please don't hesitate to Open an Issue
Aside from not yet supporting all hardware that exists within the OmniLogic, there is currently a limitation of one installation of the integration. This means one omnilogic per Home Assistant install. I may be able to lift this limitation later, but it's low on the priority list.
While I will eventually support turning schedules on/off and triggering themes, I have no current plans to add support for creating/deleting schedules/themes within the integration. If this functionality was added, it would need a custom service to do so, and I don't think the use case is there. If you would like to see this functionality, please open an issue
Dual speed pumps/filters are not currently supported, only single speed and variable speed. If you have a dual speed pump/filter that we can test with, please open an issue.
Chlorinators with ORP control are not supported yet. If you have a chlorinator using ORP control that we can test with, please open an issue.
The Omni reports Power (instantaneous usage, watts) whereas the dashboard consumes Energy sensors (usage over time, watt-hours). Luckily, we can use a Home Assistant helper to convert the data.
The work on this integration would not have been possible without the efforts of djtimca and John Sutherland on the initial API library code as well as Paulbhyo and MHillyer on the testing of initial versions of the integration.