ctag-fh-kiel / ctag-straempler

An open source eurorack sample streaming and sound synthesis module.
117 stars 21 forks source link
audio esp32 eurorack eurorack-diy music open-source sampler synthesizer

CTAG Strämpler

This repository contains the firmware and the hardwaredesigns (CTAG and Antumbra) of Strämpler.

!!NEW!! Strämpler firmware can now be built in the cloud using Github actions !!NEW!! Strämpler can now run CTAG TBD as alternative firmware! Enclosed in /bin folder!

Strämpler harware UI

What it is:

Why it is:


Potential new features / current limitations / work to be done:

How to engage yourself:

Words of caution:

How to get started / user manual:

See the Wiki pages of this project.

Build instructions

The easiest way is to create a fork on Github from this repository. Then make sure GitHub Actions are activated for your fork by going to the corresponding tab at your fork and clicking on the green button. Every time you push new commits into your fork (master or dev branch) the action will build a new draft release, which will upon successful run of the action be available at your fork's release tab.

If you want to build on your own system, you can use a virtual development environment image with Docker (see here for ESP IDF Docker instructions). Here are some steps:

You can edit the source files using any IDE / text editor you like.

Flash instructions


All hardware design can be found https://github.com/ctag-fh-kiel/esp32-eurorack-audio.



Who made this happen: